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Subject: Re: [arip] ARIP Bi-Weekly Meeting Agenda for April 6, 2017

Regrets. I have a medical appointment during this time tomorrow and will not be able to attend the meeting.



On 4/5/17, 10:00 AM, "arip@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Mr. Farhad Patel" <arip@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of farhad.patel@huawei.com> wrote:

    Hi all,
    Here is the GoTo Meeting Information for the ARIP meeting. 
    We will meet at 10am CST on Thursday. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smart phone. 
    The plan for this week is continue discussing the ARIP Glossary and the ARIP Draft Guidelines. 
    Please upload your draft sections of the ARIP Guidelines to the 'Review' folder located in the Documents section of the ARIP website (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.oasis-2Dopen.org_apps_org_workgroup_arip_documents.php-3Ffolder-5Fid-3D3091&d=DwIGaQ&c=P3aKjizb3qsxp0SERaL2sw&r=YQWdLfM9mekBOdoMmoBdn9RgyqIHrveGolBbb4_uGWQ&m=H5C8Dp0juHNrAqNmPHPrItdh1Bbbv2mvUVwo1FEmp7I&s=BmPTYoxPo2JZhzMaAbxdldY5_WS0NujHq9i48qbjeho&e= ) and we can review them during the meeting.
    Meeting Agenda:
    • Roll call, announce new members, and regrets.
    • Volunteer for minute taking this week
    • News, stuff to share, questions for the committee, etc.
    • Discuss/review Draft Guidelines. Volunteer to write sections of the guidelines. Discuss glossary and assign terms. 
    • Sub-team status, information sharing, requests for assistance:
      ◦ Glossary Sub-Team (Stacey)
      ◦ Research Sub-Team (Farhad, Rhonda, Stacey, Ray)
      ◦ Outreach Sub-Team (Charles)
    • Liaisons- status, information sharing, requests for assistance:
      ◦ European Tech Com/STC (Ray)
      ◦ OGC (Scott S) 
    • Action status from prior weeks
    • Other business?
    • Adjourn
    Best Regards,

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