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board-busdev-thought-leaders message

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Subject: Thought Exercises on why bring work to OASIS

I think one thing this group should do is analyze recent situations where work went elsewhere and why. Note that for some of these. we might conclude that it's good it went elsewhere, and others we might find room for improvement that might improve our chances in the future. Situations I can think of are:
- OCSF (not over yet)
- OWASP SBOM Forum formed in last month (which looks a lot like next bullet)
- 2021 proposals by myself (Duncan) to pursue SBOM inter work in a new OAISIS TC
- LF SPDX group decision to bring SPDX direct to ISO instead of thru OASIS
- Bret's decision to bring JSS direct to ITU instead of as OASIS TC or OP
- Bret's on the fence on a another topic to go direct to ITU that I'll let him give topic/pros/cons

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