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Subject: BPEL4People TC - 9/16 Draft Agenda

Here's the draft agenda for the 9/16 TC meeting. Please advise if you aren't on the agenda and need time.

Note the meeting is extended to 90 minutes on 9/16 (since we did not meet on 9/9).

As of 9/16 everyone except Frank will have returned from their LOAs.

1. Roll call, assignment of today's minute taker, agenda review

According to the chair's notes, the minute taker candidates are Michael, Phil and Justin.

2. Review and approval of the previous TC minutes


3. Review Action Items

We should review and schedule what, besides closing the outstanding issues, do we need to do in order to prepare our first PRD.

4. Discuss Issues


http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BP-125 (Dieter)

Discuss Proposals

http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BP-103 (Ivana) - 9/9 (continued)
http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BP-105 (Alireza) - 9/9 (continued, await DK/GF)
http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BP-111 (Alex) - 9/9

If time allows, we should also set target dates for the following issues:

http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BP-82 (Martin) - 9/TBD (continued)
http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BP-109 (Alex) - 9/TBD (depends on 111)
http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BP-122 (Dieter) - 9/TBD

5. AOB


6. Editing Subcommittee Meeting

Telecon Information

North American toll-free number: 866-245-5059
European toll-free number: (00)-800-4444-1010
International number: 416-343-2607
Conference ID: 2388736

Informal chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/bpel4people-TC


· 4/15 Publish CD 3 (includes all issues applied as of 3/31)
· 6/1 Publish CD 4 (includes all issues other than task routing patterns)
· 7/15 Publish CD 5 (includes baselines for task routing patterns and lean tasks)
· 9/15 Publish CD 6 (includes final resolutions for all non editorial issues)
· 9/15 - 10/1 Prepare PRD 1
· 10/01 Publish PRD 1
· 10/01 - 12/01 PRD 1 Review Period (60 days)
· 11/1 - 12/1 Prepare PRD 2 (partially overlaps with PRD 1 comment period)
· 12/01 Publish PRD 2
· 12/1 - 12/15 PRD 2 Review Period (15 days)
· 12/15 - 1/15 Prepare CS
· 1/15 Publish CS
· 3/15 (2010) OASIS Specification Approved

Regards, Dave Ings,
Emerging Software Standards
Email: ings@ca.ibm.com
Yahoo Messenger: dave_ings

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