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Subject: RE: [chairs] XML - What, Why, How?

Any propmotional material should also clearly state what XML does not do
- ie there is no magic fairy dust which creates interoperability without
agreed tagsets and information models.  Too often we are faced with
"We've used XML, so there is no information integration problem"

Howard Mason

-----Original Message-----
From: David Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
Sent: 02 June 2005 14:00
To: Chairs OASIS
Subject: [chairs] XML - What, Why, How?

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I presented yesterday to my local State voting group technical
committee.  20+ people, all had heard of XML and knew that it was
angle-brackets like HTML, but had little idea beyond that what the
mission and purpose of XML is.

I'd like to suggest that this is something OASIS as a whole needs to do
more about!  I think we have gotten complacent and just assume everyone

Reality check - if my group is a representative sample, we still have a
huge amount of work to do in education at a base level inside our own
industry - let alone outside!

I'd suggest OASIS looks at creating a couple of one or two page
documents for the OASIS front page and that we have two prominent
buttons with "Who are we?"
"What does XML do?" - to help get the message across at least at our own
front door!

The "Who are we?" needs to emphasize the role and membership and charter
- too many people have a bad to iffy impression of what OASIS is and how
it fits into the big picture of standards work internationally and who
its members are. A simple diagram or two would help here.

Then here's a stab at some bullet points for the later summary on XML

I'd hate to have to form a committee to do this - hopefully someone has
something that can be purposed here to rapidly close this gap for us?

Cheers, DW

OASIS and XML - the What, Why and How?


o document content styling, presentation, markup, storage o information
transaction exchange formats and validation o transfer communication
protocol mechanisms o process scripting and control o knowledge
representation and semantics o modelling, graphics and maps


o create interoperability, consistency and certification o reduce costs
by providing proven and tried solutions o improve access, collaboration
and sharing o foster open marketplaces within industry sectors


o open public specifications, tools and techniques o domain experts
collaborate to create solutions o open international membership, low
barriers for participation o solutions providers implement products and
services o outreach, demonstrations, feedback, engagement.

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