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Subject: Re: [chairs] TC attendance rules

Anderson, Steve wrote:
> Speaking as a secretary (granted, a strange creature), I'm THRILLED to do
> away with the manual notices.  Now if Kavi can be made to generate them
> automatically, that would be ideal, but until then, I'd REALLY rather not
> take that task back on.

here! here!

Mason, Howard (UK) wrote:
 > It should be up to the TC how to manage this, and in other
 > organizations the concept of an "approved absence" is used, where the
 > individual notifies the committee of the absence in advance, and the
 > committee notes and accepts that absence.
 > I suggest that the rule should be removal of voting rights after the
 > second meeting for which the member is neither present, nor an
 > approved absentee.

i agree. keep '2 of 3' with 'diligent absence' and allow the TC to judge 
'diligence'. in other words, put the onus of participation on the 
member, not the TC ("i will be absent," vs. "you have been absent...")

i personally prefer delaying votes to subsequent meetings in lieu of 
'casual' participation. i don't see how increasing the threshold for 
losing voting rights improves the voting process; it just extends the 
period by which quorum may be adversely affected. missing 3 of 4 
meetings on our schedule means a member may be MIA up to 8 weeks before 
voting rights are revoked in our TC.


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