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Subject: utility for finding duplicate names and next meeting

Hello All

Yes, we will actually have a F2F meeting.  It will be scheduled during the XML 2001Conference in Orlando in December.  I don't have the day/time/location yet.  The meeting will be open to the public and will review our charter, our deliverables, current activities and visions for future activities. 

On a 2nd topic - you may find the following of interest:
NIST has developed a utility to identify, register, and avoid conflicts of identifiers.  The Identifier Collaboration Service (http://pitch.nist.gov/nics/ ) provides a way to register your use of or interest in identifiers. By using the service, you can collaborate with others working in related domains. This service lowers integration costs by encouraging collaboration far in advance of when it might ordinarily occur.  For example, by using the service, research teams experimenting with extensions to HTML, or other domains can choose identifiers with immediate and full knowledge of possible conflicts. Conflicts can then be avoided merely by choosing another name. Alternatively, researchers can register public comments or contact each other directly and collaborate on designs that satisfy everyone.


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