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Subject: Re: Suggestion to postpone the April meeting to May 4

I suggest to still have the call on Wednesday, as we will have a few announcements. We can probably meet again in mid May (i.e., May 18th).




Omar Santos

PSIRT, Security Research and Operations

Cisco Systems

Email: os@cisco.com

PGP: https://cs.co/os-pgp-key



On 4/22/22, 12:45 PM, "csaf@lists.oasis-open.org" <csaf@lists.oasis-open.org> wrote:

Dear colleagues,


our next regular meeting would be April 27. However, the public review is then still in progress as it ends 29 April 2022 at 23:59 UTC. According to the rules of OASIS we are not allowed to decide on the comments before the review period ends. Therefore, I suggest that we either


a) postpone the April meeting one week and hold it on May 4 (preferred) or

b) add an additional meeting on May 4 (if we have pending topics for the April meeting)


Stefan and I would provide suggestions for the comment resolution for the meeting on May 4. However, for the meeting and our progress to CS02 to be effective it is crucial that we reach quorum.




Best wishes,




Thomas Schmidt


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