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Subject: TAXII Envelope


When we added the TAXII envelope to working draft 04, we said that the `data` property should contain a STIX `bundle`.  Now that I have code written for it, I think this is a mistake.  What this gives us is two useless layers.  I think it would be much better to say the `data` property in the TAXII envelope is just a list of STIX objects, instead of saying that it is a STIX Bundle that has an objects property that is a list of STIX objects.

So in a nutshell we have:
  "more": false,
  "data": {
    "type": "bundle",
    "objects": [
      ...list of stix objects

What I would suggest we do is:

  "more": false,
  "data": [
    ...list of stix objects

This make things cleaner and easier to work with in code.  I would like to hear from people that either support this or are against it.  If you are against it, I would like to understand why. 

The plan would be to make this change in Working Draft 06 after the Public Review Period.


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