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Subject: Re: [cti] Feature voting and tracking system

So I have to admit that I still don’t really understand the whole voting thing. What are we using the votes for, prioritization? Or will issues that get a lot of “downvotes” not get addressed?

I think I said this on the call yesterday, but my preferred approach would be for someone (the co-chairs) to lay out a rough roadmap of the issues that we need to address. They can take into account list preferences, dependencies between issues, etc. In particular, they could identify some fundamental issues to talk through first before hitting the specifics. Then they send that roadmap to the list and if anyone wants to add to it or disagrees with it we talk about it.

I worry that if we just rely on upvotes we’re going to tackle things randomly rather than strategically and we’ll end up spinning our wheels. For example, if you look at our previous conversations on relationships we ended up with short diversions to versioning, IDs, markings, and other topics that we probably should tackle separately, first, so that they don’t keep coming up in other discussions.

I do like the idea of threaded conversations. The mailing list is difficult if you miss even one day of a quick discussion. Though it seems like the mailing list + Github is working *OK* (not great, but OK) and I wouldn’t want to spend months figuring out how to switch to Stack Exchange when we could be actually working on STIX issues during that time.

To sum up: less talk about how to do things, more actually doing things.


On Oct 21, 2015, at 9:02 PM, Jordan, Bret <bret.jordan@BLUECOAT.COM> wrote:

We really need a way to track features, concepts, ideas and have the ability to vote up / down the ideas.  A solution like this really needs the following key features:

1. Ability to document a concept, idea, or features, similar to what we do today in the issue tracker in GitHub

2. Ability for people to vote up or down the main item

3. Ability to star an the item as a second form of tracking to possibly indicate preference

4. The ability to comment on the top level element just like you can in GitHub

5. Ability to comment on comments. 

6. Ability to vote up / down a comment 

7. Ability to mark a comment as the current train of thought or current consensus of the thread.  This will help people come up to speed more quickly on issues.

In the past I have suggested something like StackOverflow.  Yes, this is usually used for a QnA type system, and that is what it is geared towards.  However, I feel that a lot of the elements that it has could be very useful for us to use.  

Here is an example of a QnA question that shows most of the elements or requirements that I have illustrated above.  See how multiple can comment on the item and multiple comments can get votes, and how it tracks edits to comments.

A solution like this would be a replacement for the GitHub Issue tracker.  Meaning, we would not store issues in GitHub anymore.  Further, I could see a lot of the discussion around topics moving out of email and in to a system like StackOverflow. 



Bret Jordan CISSP
Director of Security Architecture and Standards | Office of the CTO
Blue Coat Systems
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