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Subject: (CORRECTION) Call for Program Committee Members -- Borderless Cyber 2016 Conferences

CORRECTION - new dates for next Borderless Cyber.  The dates shifted and will now take place on 15-16 September (at the same location).  The deadline to let us know if you want to serve on the Program Committee is still 2 November.   

Thanks so much, Jane

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jane Harnad <jane.harnad@oasis-open.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 6:36 PM
Subject: Call for Program Committee Members -- Borderless Cyber 2016 Conferences
To: cti@lists.oasis-open.org, cti-marketing@lists.oasis-open.org

Dear CTI Members,


OASIS is beginning the Program Committee selection process for our 2016 Borderless Cyber series of events. Serving on a Program Committee offers an opportunity to play a visible role in shaping our cyber security educational outreach. We hope you'll consider getting involved.


Our plan is to host three events next year. Borderless Cyber Europe will be held in Geneva, 10-11 March, at the ITU. Dates and locations for events in Asia and North American will be announced as they are confirmed.

Program Committees for these events will be made up of representatives from OASIS and our partner organizations including the World Bank, ITU, and the World Economic Forum. A limited number of positions on each Program Committee will be available for OASIS members.   

What's involved

The Program Committee will be responsible for ensuring compelling, well-balanced, high-quality content. Members will:

  • Establish program goals
  • Determine key topics and session categories
  • Suggest potential speakers and assist with speaker outreach
  • Evaluate and provide feedback on suggested speaker and/or topics
  • Organize and possibly chair conference sessions
  • Correspond with speakers before the event to ensure their successful participation
  • And help publicize the conference via social media and other avenues

Event logistics will be handled by OASIS staff and the host organizations. 

The Program Committee will conduct its work via conference calls and email. The time commitment will average around 4-6 hours per month during production of the program.  Participating in bi-monthly teleconference calls during this stage is mandatory. Program Committee members are also expected to attend the conference and help introduce and facilitate sessions onsite, as needed. 


How to apply

If you'd like to be considered for one of the Borderless Cyber Program Committees, please send your bio and contact details to events@oasis-open.org by Monday, 2 Nov.  Please note if you have a preference or are only available to work on the Europe, Asia, or North America event.


We hope you consider this opportunity to get involved and help ensure the Borderless Cyber series continues to be a success.  Looking forward to hearing from you.




Jane Harnad

OASIS manager of events


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