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Subject: Action Items: 04-02-2019 DITA Adoption TC Meeting

                 ACTION ITEMS
	 DITA Adoption Meeting Agenda 
Attending: Keith, Stan, Scott, Joe, Rob Hanna, and Joyce Lam.

1. Listening session support materials (Stan/Kathy)
   > Meeting scheduled for Friday, 04-05.

2. New planning/discussion items

   a. Long-term DITA key management (Rob/Keith)
      What best practices can we recommend to DITA teams regarding
      key management:
      - Removing keys
      - Refactoring keys
      - Archiving keys
      - Testing keys

   b. DITA clean-up best practices (Rob)
      What best practices do we recommend to DITA teams for
      planning and conducting formal "cleanup sessions"?

   c. ATC-authored DITA Users Guide (Scot)
     > How different from the spec? from existing books?
     > WebHelp for every element?
     > a la DocBook Definitive Guide
     > Look at flow in existing books?
     > Mashup integrated with the spec content?  
     > Integration of DITA examples

   d. Setting long-term expectations about DITA investments 
      and ROI.

   e. Whitepaper on DITA 1.3 flagging best practices. 
      Include revision marking and PDF changebar processing

   f. Explore the role that <set> could play in DITA 2.0.

3. DITA samples development -- progress
   - All: Review the Mitchell B-25 sample DITA collection at:
     - https://github.com/DITAWriter/pilot_training_mitchell_bomber
     Identify enhancements to improve and extend its usefulness.
   - All: Consider creating some LwDITA versions of the content? 
     Word/GoogleDoc can be converted to MDITA and from there to HDITA. 
   - AI/Scott -- Recommend paths for sample content to get to LwDITA.
     Provide different avenues to the same content. Best-practice examples
	 needed. Especially DITA 1.3 to LwDITA.
   - Keith - internal pitch -- how not to bomb with DITA
   - Joe: Touch base with the large truck manufacturer about sample
     content -- as appropriate. Keep them in mind. Later next quarter.
4. Whitepapers - in progress
   - Keith: Continue progress on "How keys should be implemented" 
     whitepaper (Q2).
   - Stan: Build out some working content badging samples to support the 
     writing in the badging whitepaper.
     > GitHub: https://github.com/StanDoherty/dita-badges
   - Stan: Continue progress on the first draft of "DITA Migration 
     Best Practices for Small Teams".
     > GitHub: https://github.com/StanDoherty/dita-migration-best-practices

5. DITA North America Planning
   - All: Review and update the 2019 ATC flyer via emails. 
   - All: Consider convenient/important times to staff the table.
   - Keith: Touch base with OASIS about OASIS-branded banners? give-aways?
6. Jan Goller feedback on scoped keys whitepaper
   - All: Review Jan's comments.

7. Administration
   - Stan: Started recording meeting attendance.
8. Upcoming ATC meetings
   > Tuesday, May 7
     - Regrets in advance - Stan 
   > Tuesday, June 4
   > Tuesday, July 2
   > Tuesday, August 6   


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