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Subject: Re: [dita-comment] [DITA 1.3 Review #2] Mention that <sort-as> has also been added to the content model of <topicref> (and others)

Hi, Ymte.

Thanks for your attention to detail. Do note that we do mention that we mentioned, in the "Refinements to base domains" listing, "Added element for sorting, <sort-as>, to the utilities domain".


Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting
+1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype)

On 11/6/2015 3:42 AM, Ymte Westra wrote:

Reference spec page: http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/dita/v1.3/cos01/part3-all-inclusive/non-normative/new-in-1.3.html#new-in-1.3


<sort-as> has also been added as possible child of <topicref>. This is not mentioned in this overview page.



Ymte Westra| Professional Services | Content and Analytics | (t) +31 88 735 4603 | (m) +31 6 5153 1457 | ywestra@sdl.com | www.sdl.com



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