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Subject: FW: New comment on "New discussion list open on a proposed XML Change Tracking Technical Committee"

Dear Friends,

Robin LaFontaine and I have begun a discussion list in the OASIS LinkedIn site about change tracking. Please consider joining in the discussion that moves toward a possible Change Tracking TC. See the link below. You’ll have to join the LinkedIn group first.




JoAnn T. Hackos, PhD


Comtech Services Inc.

710 Kipling Street, Suite 400

Denver, CO 80215


skype joannhackos





From: messages-noreply@bounce.linkedin.com [mailto:messages-noreply@bounce.linkedin.com] On Behalf Of OASIS
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 1:15 PM
To: JoAnn Hackos
Subject: New comment on "New discussion list open on a proposed XML Change Tracking Technical Committee"


LinkedIn Groups

I got it. This thread is the discussion. I thought "discussion list" meant something more specific.

I am personally indifferent to this topic in general. As a participant in the development of the ODF specifications, there is no impact with respect to an XML-level change-tracking proposal or activity and I don't know what the compelling use case is for a standardization effort at that level.

For ODF (I can't speak for DITA, and only observe that DocBook might be an interesting case too), the issue is at the semantic level of the document format, not the fact that XML is used as a medium for expressing the document structures for ODF. Change tracking at ODF is based on the perceived document, not its internal _expression_, and the limited capabilities already in the ODF specification, as much as they require work to satisfy interoperability, are oriented in that direction.

If it were thought that an XML-level document-abstraction-neutral method were expected to be achievable and incorporated in future standards for higher-level document formats, I would be very concerned. Put differently, the XML DOM is not the ODF DOM. XML is a carrier for an elaborate structural model that is not sensible when viewed as XML alone.
Posted by Dennis Hamilton

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