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Subject: ditaval flagging issue and proposal

We currently have two ways of flagging content using ditaval:
- style the content, eg with color or font: this text applies to Linux
- put flags at the start and/or end of the content, eg text or images: LINUX this text applies to Linux

Users can specify both at once, although my expectation would be that typically a value would be flagged using one method or the other, rather than both at once.

In the flagging case, we don't currently have a way of styling the text that is the flag. Given that the text flag is likely to be used instead of actually styling the content, I propose that when the text flag is used, the style choices should apply to the flag rather than the content.

<prop att="platform" action="flag" style="bold"><startflag>LINUX</startflag><prop>
results in
LINUX this text applies to Linux

rather than

LINUX this text applies to Linux
(which is what the current specification would suggest)

Michael Priestley
IBM DITA Architect and Classification Schema PDT Lead

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