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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 21 January 2014 uploaded

Submitter's message
Action Item:
- Robert will contact Eric S. on Eric's availability to help with testing, and on what sort of testing he did for 1.2.


Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Recorded by N. Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

regrets: Chris Nitchie

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00037.html (14 January, Nancy Harrison)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Deb, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports

- More presentations about DITA/S1000D Bridge
- Two presentations on 23 January 2014: 9 AM and 5 PM French time (8amPT)
- Contact jjthomasson@free.fr to register
- Bob Thomas is now a voting member

1. DITA 1.3 progress
Kris reported: she's incorporated changes to everything except Eliot's last proposal (RNG) into spec source.

2. e-mail from dita-comment list
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-comment/201401/msg00000.html (Ruediger Landmann, Red Hat, 09 January 2014)
Follow-up responses from Eberlein, Sirois, and Chet Ensign
NEW: Update from Anderson and Eberlein about call with Chet Ensign, 16 January 2014
Robert gave update on the call: wrt new OASIS policy requiring copyright info on all machine-readable files with date and vrm info. Chet said that we should consider root maps, and primary topics (e.g. map.dtd, topic.dtd) the definitive files, so that's about 20-30 DTD files (and similar numbers of RNG & XSD files). Kris and Robert are considering identifying those files and setting it up so that whenever we deliver them to Chet, the copyright info is inserted.
- Nancy; so we need a list of those files?
- Robert; yes
- Don; what are the necessary files for L&T?
- Robert; the root DTD/XSD/RNG files, but not .mod, .ent, or build etc. files; specifically, the files that are referenced from content (e.g. topic.dtd, concept.dtd, task.rng, etc.) This is actually less than we had to do in 1.2; it will just mean it needs to be put in that set of files as generated in RNG, and will end up in the doctype shells.
[There was some discussion on processing details; TC agreed to defer that until processing is underway.]

3. DITA 1.3 proposal process: Lessons learned
What worked well?
What didn't work?
How can we improve the process in the future?
Nancy brought TC up-to-date on last week's discussion;
- BobT; I think current framework is adequate; maybe we could have more consideration of requirements for each stage.
- Kris; can you suggest things reviewers should be
- BobT; wrt incompatibilities of architecture that would require major changes to proposal; the sooner we can discover those, the better. In an SC, you have 2 levels of review for every change; things have to be voted on by SC, then reviewed and approved by TC.
- Don; Bob, were you affected by TC's decision to add structural 'div'?
- BobT; no, we weren't
- Don; as I remember, it affected some proposals
- BobT; But I don't want a more cumbersome process
- Robert; Do you want to avoid more additional steps?
- BobT; yes,
- Kris; maybe we don't need extra steps for stages, but at some point we could have an official TC tech reviewer for each SC-sourced proposal.
- Robert; and this should take place before you even take the proposal to the SC for approval. so time isn't wasted later.
- Kris; yes, as soon as an SC proposal passes stage 1, it needs a 'technical advisor.'
Kris went over some things that affected her:
- overhead with 3-stage process
- it got cumbersome when folks did multiple updates to KAVI
- maybe we could have done better if we started out using trello...
- next time, should we have DITA proposal source stored in SVN rather than KAVI?
- Nancy; so when do we move it to KAVI
- Kris; We would store DITA source in SVN, and store the rendered source (HTML & PDF) in KAVI.
- Robert; from a source control standpoint, that would be better. Another thing is that we switched from wiki to trello halfway through, and that complicated things
- Kris; The only cost in storing source in SVN would be a possible learning curve for anyone not used to SVN.
- Kris; any other thoughts about proposal process?
- Deb; It was a little disappointing to start off with over 100+ proposals and end up with only 36...
- Robert; i think that was good; it means only the most important proposals go through; we got a more focused release. I think it's better not to encourage folks to include everything, because then some things get rushed in at the lat minute without enough review.
- Nancy; Also, a number of proposals were addressed as code or doc fixes
- Kris; And some were dropped because they came out of MI SC and had no one to do the work; others were just not technically feasible.
- Robert; some had alternate solutions that already were doable, and dropped out for that reason.
- Kris; looking at 1.3, I think there's a lot in there.
- Joann; but some things 'disappeared'...
- Robert; some items from 1.2 didn't have people to push them; the proposers had dropped off the committee and couldn't work on them, so expertise wasn't there to work on them.
- Joann; we should drop things explicitly
- Kris; we did do that
- Robert; there was nothing that was quietly dropped; we left things in the wikis for months waiting for someone to pick them up; if something was dropped, it was at a TC meeting and was recorded.
- Michael; We also need to consider speed and complexity; a number of items dropped off in order to allow us to make our schedule and to keep the release managable in terms of complexity. We were very concious of the tradeoff between adding features and not letting DITA get too complex. The number of proposals had to balance that rate of change.
- Kris; thanks, Michael, very good point; that was very much a guiding principle.
- Robert; as a primary editor on both 1.2 and 1.3, editing worked so much better on 1.3 because of the new process.

4. DITA 1.3 infrastructure and editorial work:
- Review tool
Demo of Oberon Technologies tool, 17 January 2014
Demo of Mekon tool, 24 January 2014
Kris noted Oberon demo last week and Mekon demo coming up this week, asked for
any comments on HARP (the Oberon tool).
Joann; I have a 2-page overview of HARP, can forwardx it to TC
Kris; thx, forward it to me and I'll forward it to TC

- RelaxNG --> DTD and XSD tool
Progress on development
Eliot gave a report; he can currently generate DTDs from RNG for 1.2. the next step is to start generating stuff this weekend. For XSD, he hasn't started the transform yet, but the differences between RNG & XSD are much smaller that with DTD.
What process do we use to test it?
For 1.2, he'll just validate by generating DTDs and validate already known-to-be-correct documents against them. He will need poeple to help generate and look at things.
Robert; I can help with that; send me your DTDs and I can test them against my test tools.
Kris; We allotted until the end of this month to finish this work; do you feel confident about meeting those deadlines?
Eliot; yes;
Kris; assuming the transform is built by the end of the month, how much time will it take to do testing?
Robert; probably a couple of days to get test infrastructure in place, then not very long.
Kris; will Eric S be available?
Robert; yes,
Kris; next week, we'll propose a schedule for getting 1.3 out by December, so we definitely need a testing schedule.
Eliot; actually, integrating all the proposals into RNG should take a couple of days to work through. For my own proposals, I've made RNG modules already
Kris; Also, don't forget 1.2 errata and bug/spec code fixes
Eliot; OK
Robert; Once it comes to that, I can share the workload.
Kris; Are we assuming we'll store RNG /XSD/DTD in SVN? It will help our building and shipping of artifacts to do that.
Eliot; currently the transform lives in my github storage, but I'll move it when it's done.
*ActionItem; Robert will talk to Eric on Eric's availability to help with testing, and on what sort of testing he did for 1.2

5. New item: Spec pages affected by change in constraints/conref language
[skipped due to lack of time]

6. New item: Terminology error in the DITA 1.2 spec
Kris noticed an appendix that refers to 'MI domain', but it's actually called 'hasard' domain. She'll open a trello card to fix that.

7. New item: Education background of voting members
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00041.html (Eberlein, 21 January 2014)
[short gen'l discussion]

meeting closed at 12:00

-- Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 21 January 2014

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Submitter: Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2014-01-27 00:26:05

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