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Subject: RE: Limitations of titlealts

Of course, I support this!


Maria G. Essig


From: dita@lists.oasis-open.org <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> On Behalf Of Bill Burns
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 8:54 AM
To: DITA TC (dita@lists.oasis-open.org) <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [dita] Limitations of titlealts


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We’re running into some problems with the limitations of the titlealts model. We have about 9 different channels to which we publish and have different needs for titling


We are using navtitle for a number of purposes, but we’re finding that one navtitle or one searchtitle isn’t cutting it. For example, we have a product called a patient instruction, which is very flat. We use navtitle for clinical titles. However, if we decided to use that map as part of a knowledge base article (which is a much longer piece), we’d need the navtitle to generate the navstack, and we’d want that not to be what a clinical sees but what a consumer would see. In addition, we have Content-as-a-Service, which has a whole different set of requirements for titles, as the service presents content at the topic level. Ideally, we’d be able to specialize navtitle for these purposes, but because of the restriction of one navtitle or one search title, we’re no better off.


I’d like to propose that we add a general purpose alternative title that can occur more than once and can be used as a basis for specialization would allow us to create proper semantics for our various title type, and we’d be less likely to just shove our titles into navtitle or search title.




Bill Burns

Content Architect | Healthwise

bburns@healthwise.org | www.healthwise.org

208.331.6917 (office)  |  208.345.1897 (fax)


Healthwise helps people make better health decisions.


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