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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 30 October 2018 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Kris will open Github issue for URL styling issues
2. Kris will open OASIS admin request as soon as minutes are posted.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Carlos Evia, Nancy Harrison, Alan Houser, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Tom Magliery, Chris Nitchie, Keith Schengili-Roberts

1. Roll call
Regrets: Carsten Brennecke

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
16 October 2018:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201810/msg00034.html (Harrison, 25 October 2018)
moved by Kris, 2nded by Bill, approved by TC

3. Announcements:
New TC members: None
Maria Essig stepping down as a voting member
Kris has taken a staff job with SimpleA, but this shouldn't have an impact on TC work.

4. Action items
21 August 2018
Kris & Robert: Perform the best edit of multimedia topics that they can do in time available; due 18 September
- Kris; we met and did some editing of multimedia topics; hoping to have this done by end of week.
11 September 2018
Kris: Review conversation with Joe Pairman, e-mails about metadata, and TC discussion in late 2017/early 2018; summarize to TC
[no change]
25 September 2018:
Eliot: Make a list of inconsistent file names in the grammar files
- Eliot; no change, will try to do by end of next week.
02 October 2018:
Spec editors: Develop and document a plan for revision marking for DITA 2.0 spec
[no change]
Unassigned: Look at committee note PDF and see if there are issues (look at minutes from 02 October 2018 for more information)
- Kris; can we remove this? Is this a user error issue or not?
- Carlos; the corporate page had some URLs that were not blue, but it's always been like that...
- Alan; some URLs not resolving, but the targets aren't populated yet, so that's not a real problem; unless styling consistency is important,we can remove that action item.
- Kris; it would be good to fix URL styling; OASIS will probably want them fixed.
***ActionItem: Kris will open Github issue for URL styling issues
- Kris; styling for cover page is fragile and painful...

5. Subcommittee and liaison reports
Lightweight DITA
- Carlos; we have some errors in CN, some in cover but also in CN itself. So what should we do now?
- Kris; we have an agenda for vote on CN; do you want to give us more details of discussion; is there work to know about outside of CN?
- Carlos; moving ahead with LwD Friday mtgs. We need to have a schedule deadline; if we don't have something out to TC by May 2019, we won't have release in 2019; so we're aiming to have spec to review by May 2019. If people want to look at what we're doing, our repo has a branch called 'spec' now conref'ing shortdesc info into our spec. Things are going and now we have internal deadline, so we need to push to get there.
- Kris; questions?
- Alan; does the TC want any background info that might hold up today's vote?
- Kris; that would be good. But one thing I noticed is that Simply XML is claiming LwD support on their banner; what does that mean? Also ICTech makes a plugin for MSWord that checks Word docs to analyze and enable export to DITA/XML LwD; they're interested in LwD.
- Carlos; there are a bunch of tools that claim LwD support, but we don't validate or certify them.
- Kris; think they're actually looking at LwD DTDs.
- Alan; we've looked at some claiming to support LwD

6. Report back from Lavacon
- Kris; Bill had a session during all-DITA track on 3rd day. lot of people indicated they were using DITA. And even though primary sessions didn't mention DITA, they all talked about structured content microcontnt
- Kris; Michael P did a presentation of LwD in slot before Bill; good useful content that interested people.
- Keith; I was up against MichaelP, so mine was not as well-attended. I focused on DITA, but no mention of DITA in title. DITA was 'silent building block' that came up over and over. When Jack asked crowd during keynote who was using DITA, it was majority in room. MichaelP said that 'DITA has seemingly finally come into its own.'
- Tom; nothing new to add; agree with Keith. Felt too that just about everyone using structured content is using DITA.
- Kris; lot of discussion of content across the enterprise; multiple repositories, master conent/metadata model; people not talking about single-sourcing anymore, though some Lavacon folks were still producing PDFs and hoping to go to XHTML. Folks are at different spots on the spectrum. Jack does a great job with the conference; a very full vendor contingent (47) better than most conferences.

7. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines

8. Lightweight DITA: An Introduction Version 2.0
"I move that the TC approve "Lightweight DITA: An Introduction Version 2.0" and all associated artifacts packaged together in https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=64170&wg_abbrev=dita as a Committee Note and designate the HTML version of the note as authoritative."

Kris moved, Bill 2nd

Voting results:
Yes 13 [Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Carlos Evia, Nancy Harrison, Alan Houser, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Tom Magliery, Chris Nitchie, Keith Schengili-Roberts]
No 0

***ActionItem: Kris will open OASIS admin request as soon as minutes are posted.

9. DITA 2.0 specification reviews
DITAweb review of subset of element reference topics/overlap with Lightweight DITA to open Tuesday, 16 October 2018
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201810/msg00026.html (Eberlein, 16 October 2018)
- Kris; this has been open for 2 weeks; some participation but not everyone...
- Robert; have seen a lot of comments but from a small number of people. This is your opportunity to look at new template; it's been out for awhile, but this is what it actually looks like with real content; if you have concerns about what spec looks like in future, you should look now, because if you have issues, it's easier to change it now than in future.
- Kris; will keep review open for one more week. please look at sections and order of sections, and titles; we've talked about it multiple times; i'll be not very interesed in making changes after this point. We've talked about 'formatting expectations'; we've kept it in templates, and have moved all relevant info into it. At a minimum, look at PDF, look at processing expectations and formatting. We need to be clear about what info in processing and formatting, and that applies also to LwD
- Robert; even now, I'm not very sympathetic to changing template; we've reviewed it, but this is first chance to see it with real content.
- Kris; also, we did have some reviewers say; 'not all topics have the same sections', in final, will have a topic that clarifies why that might be the case. But we don't want to have sections that are 'blank'. That would preclude being able to search for such topics that contain such sections. We want to have a way to compile a list of elements that require such data.
- Kris; any gen'l comments/questions?
- Alan; it's clear that the shortdesc will be reused; Carlos and I have noticed that reusing other sections will be challenging. Kris indicated that we might be reusing some sections but not others; some elements include info about other components that aren't in LwD, so we couldn't reuse those.
- Carlos; we want to see as much reues as possible, but know that if we try to reuse everything, we'll have to rewrite stuff.
- Kris; we might be able to include some conditional processing around some stuff to allow for better reuse. We'll need to confer and talk about those areas; if there are places we can. If we're making normative statements, we'll be better off if they're reused, otherwise we'll be in a difficult position if we have different normative statements for identical elements in DITA and LwD.
- Robert; if these are truly meant to work together, then any rule that applies to DITA has to apply to LwD where appropriate.
- Carlos; we need to be in touch about that, but we always planned to do that. Maybe we need to have regular checkup; we knew we needed to have as much reuse as possible.
- Kris; so Carlos and Alan; should you go back and do another review of normative statements - now all contained within 'processing expectations' - to consider reuse?
- Carlos; I want to wait until you and Robert process our comments, so we can look for reuse just once.
- Alan; how do we identify normative statements?
- Kris; look at topic covering this in beginning of spec. MUST, SHOULD, MAY statements.
- Nancy; and the normative words are always uppercase.
- Kris; please folks, review this, will keep it open till Saturday. and Robert and I need to talk to alan and Carlos asap about your comments.

[Kris; who will be dita europe and SITA-OT Day
Alan, Eliot, ??]

10. DITA 2.0 stage two proposals
Strong and em elements
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201810/msg00012/strong_and_em_-_Stage_2_Proposal_%28Edited%29.pdf (Schengili-Roberts, 08 October 2018)
Continuing discussion
Initial discussion
Keith moved, 2nd by Deb

Voting results:
Yes 13 [Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Carlos Evia, Nancy Harrison, Alan Houser, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Tom Magliery, Chris Nitchie, Keith Schengili-Roberts]
No 0

11:44 am ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 30 October 2018

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2018-11-05 05:57:56

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