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Subject: Chunking proposal (updated based on April 23 TC call )

As requested in the TC Call April 23, I've removed the topic "Impact of @chunk on linking", and moved the content into examples.

The final example already covered every aspect of the topic, only leaving out some explanatory text of why a single known edge case can result in ambiguous links.

I've updated that example in several spots to include the explanatory material from the earlier topic so that nothing is lost. This allows us to remove the extra topic that did not provide any rules around chunking, but was (in effect) a conceptual explanation of how to manage links in the context of chunking.
(See attached file: Issue105-stage3-SimplifyChunking.pdf)

Robert D. Anderson
DITA-OT lead and Co-editor DITA 1.3 specification
Marketing Services Center

E-mail: robander@us.ibm.com

11501 BURNET RD,, TX, 78758-3400, AUSTIN, USA

Attachment: Issue105-stage3-SimplifyChunking.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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