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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 20 April 2021 uploaded

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Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Carsten Brennecke, Kris Eberlein, Carlos Evia, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Gershon Joseph, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Eric Sirois, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann


1. Roll call
Regrets: Keith Schengili-Roberts, Chris Nitchie

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
06 April 2021
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202104/msg00006.html (Harrison, 11 April 2021)
Moved by Kris, 2nd by Scott, aprroved by TC

3. Announcements
none? ?

4. Action items
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
- Kris; wrt my item from April 6, I did update stuff, but no activity on TC charter. Hopefully we can pick up the discussion in 2 wkeeks from now; our next week's mtg is cancelled because of ConvEX.

5. Check-in: How are people doing in this difficult time? How is your state/country doing?
[no official business covered]

6. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines

(Nitchie, Eberlein) Loosen attribute specialization rules (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/15)
? 2021: Initial TC discussion
? 2021: Vote by TC
[see agenda item #8]
- Kris; goal is to complete this by end of May

(Kimber) Deprecate or remove copy-to attribute (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/33)
15 March 2021: Proposal to reviewers (Anderson, Sirois)
?: Initial discussion by TC
?: TC vote
- Eliot; I updated this based on Robert's initial feedback, then sent it out & got more feedback from Robert; hoping to get it turned around by our next meeting.
- Kris; Who is your second reviewer, Eric?
- Eric; I will look at it today or tomorrow.
- Kris; the goal to get your feedback to Eliot by EOB Friday.
- Eric; ok
- Kris; Robert; looks like some points need to be ironed out, can you talk to Eliot?
- Robert; I think it's pretty much ready for TC; I sent one update yesterdat wrt to ditavalref, because of overlap with how does copy-to react to ditavalref. We just have to acknowledge the issue, that's my only remaining comment.
- Kris; do those changes to the spec need to be handled before TC looks at it?
- Robert; we have to have something there, I think; wording needs to be in there. I don't think it makes sense to discuss without language to look at.
- Kris; so the wording around edge cases needs to be in stage 3 proposal.
- Robert; I think it's mostly done. This is the last item that adds or removes markup.

7. Glossary for DITA 2.0 spec
DITA 2.0 glossary starter uploaded
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202103/msg00048.html (Hudson, 30 March 2021)
PDF of the glossary starter uploaded by Hudson
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202104/msg00009.html (Eberlein, 19 April 2021)
Spreadsheet of terminology from the spec
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202104/msg00010.html (Eberlein, 19 April 2021)
- Scott; we (Deb & I) each took different parts of the spec and came up with terms; for any terms that weren't clearly defined, we took a first stab at definition; we tried to make sure there were no unfamiliar terms.
- Deb; we also pulled out if there were multiple definitions, so we could try to choose one, or think about whether we should choose one...
- Kris; I noticed there were terms for which there were multiple definitions that were just slightly different.
- Robert; not surprising... Did some come from the terminology topic?
- Deb; some from there; some terms are defined in 'terminology' sections in other topics.
- Robert; surprised to see it's defining some elements and @s; that seems out of place.
- Scott; can you give an example?
- Robert; sure, elements like anchor, abstract; it looks like a mix of shortdesc elements from the language ref and terminology sections.
- Scott; we were just trying to identify terms that were used in sections that needed further explanation; whether it's too exhaustive or not enough, it was just our first cut.
- Deb; and we did this about a year ago.
- Kris; it's a starting point; I would want to follow our style guide rec's, but I found it interesting to see other definitions apart from the ones in the spec. spreadsheet built this
- Zoe; some items are confusing; for instance; if someone talks about 'grammar', what do they mean in particular?
- Scott; that kind of perspective would be useful in looking at our list.
- Kris; we could have 2 types of resources; if we do a formal glossary, should define our preferred and non-preferred terms, so there's just one definition; another resource might be adjunct, an adoption-related resource for folks less familiar with DITA
- Scott; both of those cases are useful.
- Kris; last time, a number of folks were interested in working on spec glossary, [Zoe, Nancy, Dawn? Scott?]
- Scott; yes, I stll am.
- Dawn; I can't work on it, but i'll take a look at it.
- Kris; i've always wanted one, but I know how much work it entails, and coming to consensus on terms and definitions becomes another big work item... I think it would be very helpful. As I've worked on topics last 2-3 wks, we're not entirely consistent; e.g., is an @ domain module the same as a @specialization module?... crisping up our terminology would be a big benefit. Robert; do you have any thoughts?
- Robert; it would be awesome; we have a bunch of terminology topics, general and specific, e.g. keys. I would hope that with a glossary, we could get 100% reuse; I don't think we want to treat any elements/@s as terms. but outside of that, would love a glossary.
- Kris; I don't think we have any inconsistent usage of key/keyscope terms.
- Robert; I see some of them in there twice, but maybe reuse...
- Zoe; if a glossary is too hard to do, we should double-check terminology topics.
- Scott; I did create glossentries for each term here.
- Deb; I think we also captured where we found each one.
- Scott; I tried to capture that in the spreadsheet as well.
- Kris; how to proceed? First, we need to develop a consensus of what should be in a glossary.
- Scott; I'd suggest TC review this and collect feedback, then try to incorporate changes, then decide how to include content.
- Kris; so you're suggesting general discussion, or small group comparing PDF and spreadsheet and saying yes/no/maybe? I have a dead-tree version of our style guide; I can scan the section on glossaries and what belongs in them.
- Nancy; that would be useful.
- Kris; let's look at PDF, and at spreadsheet terms, and look at PDF IBM style guide, and let's see if we can get any movement on list. if not, we'll default to a small group. and also, post to list what you think is appropriate to a glossay and what isn't. I think we shouldn't have element/@s in a glossary, or common XML terms. e.g.element-type, @-type. if there are things specific to DITA, we should define them, e.g. doc-type shells, shortdesc, etc. I'll try to get PDF scanned and out.

8. DITA 2.0 stage three proposals
Initial discussion
Continuing discussion
Early feedback
Work on stage three proposal #15, "Relax specialization rules"
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202104/msg00012.html (Eberlein, 20 April 2021)
- Kris; I made a lot of progress, but ran into problems with examples with RNGs; I could probably do it with some help from RNG-familiar folks; could get help from Chris; and Eliot or Robert. Don't know if there are others on the call with redefinitions in RNG...
- Eliot; I'll take a look at it as much as I can; I have some time on weekend.
- Kris; would be happy to just set up a call and walk thru my questions; I'd like to build files, test them, examples, in conjunction with writing the coding conventions topic, so someone can follow them.
- Eliot; i'd be happy to work with you on that.
- Kris; awesome, any bandwidth this week?
- Eliot; Friday afternoon could be a time.
- Kris; Friday is a bit up in the air for me, but let me get back to you.
- Eliot; ok
- Kris; Robert; any other things I can get help from you from this? Robert; Eliot's a better bet for RNG, but I'll help out where I can.
- Kris; we have detailed examples on doing things with constraints using DTDs, but we know that some of the troubles folks have with the concepts is that that we don't have RNG examples for constraints. That would be a big help.
- Dawn; we teach a class in RNG, and Breanna has created a lot of stuff for that; I'll touch base and see what she has.
- Kris; that would be great, expecially if it's doing complicated constraints. I've added a simple constraint, but beyond that, other examples would be great.
- Dawn; ok

9. Continued: DITA 2.0 Webinar for vendors?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202103/msg00018.html (Eberlein, 16 March 2021)
Brainstorm of companies that we should encourage to attend
Brainstorm of roles at companies who should attend
- Kris; should we use our TC hour (11am-noon ET) to do one, or noon-1pm ET? Any thoughts? I think Dawn has most practical experience on webinars for community...
- Dawn; we do ours from 11am-noon ET for best world coverage; after that is a problem for European vendors.
- Deb; I like the idea of using our regular meeting time.
- Kris; any objections to doing the first one on [Tues] June 15th 11am ET? We'll probably want more technically specific materials for this. And then doing a followup webinar 2 weeks later?
- Dawn; yes, sounds good.
- Kris; shall we also go with TC hour for the followup?
- Scott; yes
- Kris; so that would be June 29.
- Deb; that gives us June 22nd to discuss outcomes on first one.
- Kris; and there's time to put together what we need by June 15. maybe I could even get a registration from OASIS by then.
- Dawn; we have a channel for ConvEX, I'll put it in there.
- Kris; thanks, it would be good to use ConvEX; also we should just talk with vendors during the conference to interact with vendors to see what they want to learn.

10. Spec work completed

- Kris; anythin on spec?
- Robert; I've been updating editorial wiki page, all proposals integrated, and I did a round of cleanup on grammar files, making progress.
- Scott; thank you

11:58am ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 20 April 2021

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2021-04-22 15:19:06

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