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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 14 June 2022 uploaded

Submitter's message
Action Items:
1. Robert willl update proposal process page to reflect TC decision to allow minor changes during stage 3 proposal process to not requirea return to stage 2.
2. Kris will make Scott an owner? collabhorator? in our ContentFusion (CF) review implementation, so he can change/apply parameters to generating things.
3. Scott will generate PDF or HTML with all the comments from our CF review.
4. Kris will find info about the Oxygen project she built to exercise OASIS transforms, and publish how to publish TC data.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 14 June 2022
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Carsten Brennecke, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Gershon Joseph, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann

1. Roll call
Regrets: none

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
07 June 2022
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202206/msg00032.html (Harrison, 14 June 2022)
moved by Kris, 2nd Gershon, approved by TC

3. Announcements - none

4. Action items
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
23 November 2021:
Scott: Pursue possibilities of using Syncrosoft tooling for reviews IN PROGRESS
31 May 2022:
Scott: Comb through dita-users and dita-comment lists for names of people who might be good fits for the TC IN PROGRESS
Robert: Add changes to @scale for fig, lines, pre, and specializations of pre to list of "clean-up items"
- Kris; any updates on @scale, Robert?
- Robert; I did some of others, but forgot about @scale, will log the @scale update right now.
07 June 2022:
Kris: Respond to GitHub issue about required child elements COMPLETED
Kris: Sent draft of e-mail to dita-users to list

5. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines

Stage two
(Anderson) Add new attribute (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/670)
- Robert; I have a draft, will send out to reviewers by tomorrow.

Stage three
(Eberlein) Remove classification domain and add new attribute (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/647)
- Kris; I got feedback by all revieweres; have a call scheduled after this call to hammer out issues and resolve them.

6. Process question: updating stage two proposals
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202206/msg00030.html (Eberlein, 13 June 2022)
- Kris; When do we need to revise and reopen stage two proposals? What changes can we make regarding the technical solution when we are at the stage three point? We've re-opened a number of these. It happens when, in review of stage 3, we have folks suggesting changes to the design. I want to avoid us being process heavy; if we have minor changes to tech solution, just note that it's happened in stage 3.
- Gershon; agree with you, no need to go back unless there's major changes to stage 2. but I wasn't on TC when it came up with the process. Think this process should apply to anything short of a rework of major proposal.
- Eliot; agree.
- Robert; also agree.
- Nancy; also agree.
- Kris; some folks did this automatically. When I update out PDF of approved proposals, I should annotate that, or at least say 'changes may happen betwen stage 2 and 3. '
***ActionItem: Robert willl update proposal process page to reflect this decision.

7. DITA 2.0 stage three proposals
Continuing discussion
Initial discussion
Being reviewed:
E-mail: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202206/msg00004.html (Eberlein, 04 June 2022)
Content Fusion link: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202206/msg00005.html (Eberlein, 04 June 2022)
(Continued) subjectrefs attribute
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202205/msg00007.html (Eberlein, 16 May 2022)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202205/msg00010.html (Kimber, 22 May 2022)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202205/msg00014.html (Eberlein, 23 May 2022)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202205/msg00015.html (Kimber, 23 May 2022 -- forwarded to list by Eberlein)
- Kris; suggest we hold on this till after our call on this later today.

8. Review O: Accessibility
Opening of review: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202206/msg00033.html
Important: Specific requirements for how reviewers should enter review comments in Content Fusion
- Kris; this is a small review, we have some explicit reqs for how reviewers should work with ContentFusion (CF). 1) if you're making a comment, don't use CF native comment function; use draft-content element. 2) if addressing a prior comment; see my email for other instructions. Right now, I don't know a way to capture all the comments that we get without including CF code. info about comments is stored in CF; surfaced in XML source, but we don't have a current way of rendering or archive the comments that way. We can't assume that all our interested parties use Oxygen.
- Scott; so do you have Oxygen locally?
- Kris; yes.
- Scott; there should be a way to capture all the data; when you get changes from a review, should pull all that into a PDF to get all that data.
- Kris; but for this review, please follow this set of reqs; if we can use other methods after this, we'll look at doing so. Also, we've asked Bob Johnson of Tazo o to participate in this review.

9. Review tooling
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202111/msg00006.html (Eberlein, 02
November 2021)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202111/msg00016.html (Hudson, forwarded by Eberlein on 09 November 2021)
Feedback from reviewers of stage 3 proposal for #647, who are using Content Fusion
How can we archive the results of a review? Discussion that occurred during the review?
Back-and-forth between Eberlein and Hudson on 10 June 2022
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202206/msg00029.html (Eberlein, 10 June 2022)
- Kris; let's start with proposal reviewers
- Eliot; ability to thread comments worked well, but now we're using draft-comment, so it will be different. It did provide a better experience than DITAWeb.
- Gershon; I agree; enjoyed reviewing with it, things just worked much more intuitively than DITAWeb.
- Carsten; I liked the tool, we need to find a solution for comments, but liked it.
- Robert; I like it better than DITAWeb; it took a while to figure out where the buttons were, but overall better experience.
- Kris; i put in some comments on the editorial side. It's very nice from reviewers POV, from editor's POV, maybe a little more difficult than using DITAWeb. certain functionality is lacking, some of which Congility specifically built for us in DITAWeb. like leaderboards. Also, no easy way to track status of comments; we could do that in DITAWeb. I also can't quickly generate HTML file of various kinds of comments. maybe using @s on draft-comment elements would help with this? Also, how do we deal with archiving. comments?
- Gershon; it needs to give you a reasonable way for editors
- Nancy; echo that; you and Robert doing most of the work, it needs to work for you.
- Kris; and Oxygen might be willing to make changes for us
- Scott; think our review statistics; a pretty valuable feature req to pass on to oxygen folks. They're pretty amenable to that.
- Kris; synchrosoft folks are great at respondong to feature reqs. I think companies tend to build review tools by adding something to current product, rather than 'whatls really req'd? all these tools show that.
- Gershon; most lack metrics. but Oxygen is extremely responsive; and it's generally designed to be open, so may be APIs that we can use to extract that info. so we might just let them know what we need, and they may add it.
- Kris; now, to 'how to archive review comments?;
- Scott; where to put archive; do we want comments saved into our repo; maybe capture them as part of scratch branch on github side, then when comments are resolved, pull that into main branch, so a record of them, but not in main branch?
- Kris; in long run, i don't want oxygen PIs in our dita source. we need to be able to archive and produce HTML that shows 'here are all the comments, when they were made, what the resolution. Also, Scott said there's a parameter to let us get the output we want; is that so?
- Scott; a parameter you pass thru in their transform that will show all the PIs?
- Kris; can you create a PDF for me that does that?
- Scott; you may need to add me as a reviewer in CF
***ActionItem: Kris will make Scott an owner? collabhorator? in CF so he can change/apply parameters to generating things.
***ActionItem: Scott will generate PDF or HTML with all the comments.
- Kris; we do need to be able to generate that kind of data. Scott, any other thoughts about this? anyone else?
- Scott; no further comments; think we'll have that capability, just need to demonstrate it.

10. Recruiting companies and people to the DITA TC
Update about Avalara, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), and Hewlett Packard, Inc (HPI) (Eberlein)
Wiki page: Companies with and without DITA TC membership
Who do you know who would be an asset to the TC?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202206/msg00003.html (Eberlein, 03 June 2022)
Results of looking through dita-comment list (Hudson)
- Kris; Bill Burns has rejoined the TC representing HP; Stacey Meggs, of HP Enterprise, has also joined, not on today's call but can do so in future, and is also working with other mgrs to see if there are other folks there who can join; I have a call tmomorrow with Mike Iantosca and Michael Priestley ast Avalara to talk about them joining OASIS. Keith, can you talk about this page?
- Keith; you sent me a list of oasis members, and I matched that with my list of companies doing dita, also with a list of consulting firms that do work in dita market. that list is now in there. what about Apple? just a test bed?
- Kris; no, more that just a test bed
- Eliot; have heard from Apple folks at conferences who talked about doing work in dita.
- Kris; we want to target companies that have more than a test bed
- Eliot; Apple is very secretive about using things that aren't Apple technology, so it may be hard to get them to participate
- Kris; same with Amazon; they use it, but keep its use a secret
- Gershon; Dell definitely uses dita; a friend was mgr of large team that was using dita. If we can figure out who is at Dell EMC in techdoc group, that would be a good target.
- Kris; we have Dell in group B and C; we want to have companies only in one list. Dell is definitely a company to target.
- Gershon; and we know Cisco is a big dita user, but we don't know anyone there.
- Kris; and Adobe is another one; I'm trying to remember a woman at Adobe who is using dita; we really need to edit list of group B to update to be just actual members. Scott, have you had chance to look thru dita-comment list?
- Scott; no, not yet
- Kris; can we spend more time on this, but we shoud go to item 11.

11. DITA 1.x to 2.0 migration work to be done
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202205/msg00011.html (Kimber, 22 May 2022)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202205/msg00020.html (Eberlein, 24 May 2022)
Kris; Eliot, can you start?
- Eliot; I finally can get things done for TC, wrt help write migration stuff, I want to make sure I'm working with at least one other person.
- Zoe; I've tried to start a structure of migration guide, but found I just didn't know enough to populate info; tried to get a skeleton, but didn't know where to go from there.
- Eliot; would like you and I to get together to start work on this.
- Kris; before we do this, can we look at my response; tried to outline all the things TC needs to do in this area.
- Eliot; i'm prepared to be leading in this, including tooling
- Kris; one thing missing is as we've gone thru spec, opened a whole bunch of cleanup items, They're all in a github issue, but we need to have a proposal that aggregated these.
- Robert; the item in github should be tracking them all; pretty extended issue so it needs to be weritten up.
- Kris; don't need stage 2/3 process for that, just a proposal.
- Robert; idea was to do the work, and then just write it up.
- Eliot; should we just do a stage 3 proposal for all of it?
- Kris; probably would be good, needs to precede writing it for the spec.
- Eliot; I'm happy to take up that task, as first step in doing the migration work
- Kris; I'll put you down for that on the volunteers page
- Eliot; if you can assign me to the github task, that would be good
- Robert; we did cleanup on github issue, so they're cleaned up.
- Kris; I know you want to work on the tooling, but the updates need to be done first.
- Eliot; understand that.
- Scott; assuming you want PDF rendered in the OASIS template; is there a transform?
- Kris; nice but not necessary, and those transforms are in our stylesheet repo, and I built an Oxygen project that included those transforms.
***ActionItem: Kris will find info about that project/transform and publish how to publish TC data

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 14 June 2022

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2022-06-17 17:21:50

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