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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 31 January 2022 uploaded

Submitter's message
none, but all TC members should do Base review T by 5pm Monday

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 31 January 2023
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Tammy Crowley, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Zoe Lawson, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Eric Sirois, Dawn Stevens, Kathryn Torriano, Frank Wegmann, Todd Thorner, Christina Rothwell


1. Roll call
Regrets: Bill Burns, Eliot Kimber, Scott Hudson

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
24 January 2023
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00032.html (Harrison, 31 January 2023)
Kris moved, 2nd KKeith, approved by TC

3. Announcements
Other announcements?
- Stan; I'm now the official Google rep for this TC, rather than an individual member; my membership is still in my name, butm now one of 4 people who are OASIS reps for Google.

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
24 January 2023
Tammy & Kathryn: Estimates for when initial editing of release management & bookmap topics will be completed [see below, agenda item #9]
Spec reviews:
Dawn: Examples for general task and COMPLETED

5. Technical content review C: Programming, software, and UI domains
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00005.html (Anderson, 09 January 2023)
Status of review
Participation: Eliot, Kris, Robert, Tammy, Zoe, Stan, Bill, Frank, Nancy
Update (Anderson)
- Kris; Robert, any updates?
- Robert; focusing on the discussion of item #8 on today's agenda.

6. Technical content review D: Hardware, markup, and XML mention domains
Opening of review
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00021.html (Eberlein, 24 January 2023)
Status of review
Participation: Kris, Robert, Zoe, Stan, Dawn, Frank, Nancy
Update (Anderson)
- Kris; Robert, any update?
- Robert; a lot of good comments, clarifying names areound hardware stuff, and inconsistencies around examples. The hardware control element has comment about using @outputclass to distinguish between different output controls, but that goes for every control, so I think there's no need for a mention here. There was late but quite useful feedback from Eliot.
- Kris; thanks to Dawn and Stan for doing early reviews.
- Keith; so when we send reviews out for public review they would include our earlier comments?
- Kris; no, this is for us; I want to build PDFs from ContentFusion (CF), including all the draft-comments so folks could find the resolution of their comments.
- Keith; and this will be done externally?
- Kris; no, for our internal use only.
- Keith; that seems to make sense.

7. Base review T: utilities domain and sorting
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00030.html (Eberlein, 30 January 2023)
- Kris; this is a very small review; utilities only and sorting; it's only open thru 5pm monday. There were lots of changes; it hadn't been updated since 1.2.

8. , https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00018.html (Wegmann, 24 January 2023)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00025.html (Hudson, 24 January 2023)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00031.html (Eberlein, 30 Jnauary 2023)
- Kris; this issue came out of earlier review; folks thought they overlapped and weren't clear.
- Frank; As my mail notes, I like the DocBook description. But clearly options are perceived differently by different TC members.
- Kris; amd Scott just references how parameter is used in DocBook as well.
- Robert; our usage comes out of my understanding; it's definitely open to interpretation. The examples come from DITA-OT docs; that's how I've always understood them. (see Kris's email). I'm hesitant to redefine them in a way that doesn't work with how current users are already using them; I don't want to mess up so many implementations.
- Kris; the definitions in this email are how I've used these, and some of the DITA-OT docs may come from me. Can we find consensus on these in a way that doesn't invalidate a bunch of stuff that had previously been allowed?
- Keith; having better definitions would make sense, even if it invalidated things.
- Frank; maybe I'm looking at this a bit more strictly, but I think our usage isn't so strict as in other elements, e.g., paragraphs. If you have writers that aren't educated in programming, they could easily get confused. I don't want to invalidate already created material, but I want to think about it a bit.
- Tammy; how is option different from variable?
- Robert; a variable is only used inside syntax diagram.
- Tammy; it seems like varname is the best option for providing the name of a parameter. An option seems like something you don't have to use.
- Robert; this usage probably came from SGML.
- Kris; or even IBM IDDoc...
- Frank; we just need examples that really illustrate what we mean in the spec.
- Kris; I'd be comfortable using the examples here from the OT.
- Robert; it's probably best not to use examples from there; better to have our own, so we could tweak them a bit.
- Kris; so the consensus is that we can revise these topics based on content of this email, trying to be as precise as we can, and also make sure the examples are really clear. Maybe 2 examples?
- Tammy; I like the idea of having that kind of examples.
- Kris; I think configuration is confusing since back in 1.0.
- Frank; this seems like a good way to go.

9. Editorial work on DITA for Technical Content 2.0 element-reference topics
UPDATED Editorial assignments, deadlines, review maps
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00035.html (Eberlein, 31 January 2023)
General resources:
Recording of 20 December 2022 session
GitHub education that the TC did in 2018
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202212/msg00034.html (Eberlein, 21 December 2022)
UPDATED Editorial guidelines
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202301/msg00036.html (Eberlein, 31 January 2023)
- Kris; [went over data from her Editorial Assignments table]. Tammy and Kathryn, how about bookmap?
- Kathryn; probably end of Feb. for bookmap, maybe should be 2 parts, metadata and elements, since it's a really big chunk.
- Kathryn; we're good with github and workflow.
- Kris; that sounds good.
- Kris; any other questions?
- Tammy; just about the editorial guidelines.
- Kris; we'll go over those in just a bit.
- Kris; Nancy?
- Nancy; I've been sick all week, so I can give a better answer next week.
- Kris; Stan?
- Stan; I think I can stick my date, though getting thru the Github fork was hard.
- Frank; I haven't had a chance to really look at it, but I will toward the end of this week. I should be fine, but if not, I'll let you know by Friday.
- Kris; Keith, what about you and Bill and the glossary?
- Keith; thanks for the educational video, I think we can meet the dates.
- Robert; I want usage info to be easily usable; whatever makes it read the best. Sometimes natural language is the right way to go, and sometimes not.
- Kris; I use natural language when the term is really clear; I leave it alone when it's a more cumbersome phrase. I like it for shortdesc, but for usage info, it's farther away from element name and not so obvious.
- Tammy; so we should use our best judgment?
- Kris; right; whatever will make most sense fo readers.
- Kris; wrt your question about example sections, i.e., should you make new examples or link to others? Sometimes one, sometimes the other, it depends.
- Tammy; if you link to anoth, then the element name of the element in the topic you're working on won't be in bold.
- Kris; but the link will go directly to example location. If it doesn't go directly to the example location you think it should, then linking markup probably isn't correct. The places where we want to point people to another topic is if there's a complex element with its components.
- Tammy; but that way there's nowhere in the example to let people know what the example context is. We can't do bolding if we reuse.
- Kris; that's why we don't reuse examples that much. I strongly suspect I would change the bookmap examples if I were working on that section.
- Tammy; I'd prefer to conref them in...
- Robert; We avoided that because some of the bookmap examples are quite long, and would bulk up the spec.
- Tammy; I have no plans to reuse the bookmap example itself, but where an element is a collection, it might be better to conref them.
- Robert; there's certainly no rule against it.
- Tammy; if we go the conref route, what about keymap?
- Kris; we want to avoid authoring collisions. If you have a place you want to conref, add a draft-comment about it. Another reason to not conref is that we can't adjust it for each context.

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 31 January 2022

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2023-02-03 20:25:53

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