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Subject: DITA TC Meeting Minutes for Feb 21, 2023

Here are the draft minutes from last Tuesday's meeting. I have already uploaded a copy of this to the DITA TC Documents section on the OASIS website. 

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Recorded by Keith Schengili-Roberts
link to agenda for this meeting:ââââ

1. Roll call:
Kris Eberlein, Eliot Kimber, Roberts Anderson, Scott Hudson, Christina Rothwell, Frank Wegmann, Tammy Crowley, Eric Sirois, Jim Tivey
Regrets from: Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kathryn Torriano

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
Kris moved, and Frank seconded; minutes were approved as submitted

3. Announcements
Kris has started a staff position at the Mayo Clinic
Eric mentioned that there will be a "major announcement" from Ixiasoft tomorrow

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
No major updates

5. E-mail to dita-comment
A "rather cryptic email" that was passed along by Chet
Robert: appears to be someone advising us that they are updating us about a namespace they have; but that is not how the specification or OASIS works

6. Technical content review C: Programming, software, and UI domains
No update from Robert, but says that he plans to get back into things

7. Technical content review D: Hardware, markup, and XML mention domains
8. Base review T: utilities domain and sorting
9. Review E.1: Troubleshooting
Kris has noted who has reviewed these sections, and provided PDF updates
Have been able to close out these three reviews

11. Review E.2: Troubleshooting
This is "take two" on Troubleshooting; Stan has already given his thumbs up with this version
Given the number of changes, Kris though it was worthwhile to reopen this

11. Stan's comments about troubleshooting
Kris' response in the email to Stan "You stated 'Simple symptom-solution pairs rarely need dedicated troubleshooting topics,' and I disagree. I think it really depends on the audience. In my experience, such simple troubleshooting topics are quite useful for internal team documentation and tech doc user documentation."
Tammy asked what is the difference between the two types of pairs (cause/remedy, symptom/solution) mentioned in the email?
Kris responded that they are similar

12. Editorial work on DITA for Technical Content 2.0 element-reference topics
Robert: we can't really have the XNAL domain refer to itself; it is also a hard case to provide good examples for; not a fan of the domain, and is concerned about page bloat that this section contributes to the overall specification
In an email Stan sent to Robert: it's just too much to have one big example; still an open question as to how to address this
Kris: keep your branches up-to-date with the DITA 2.0 branch; try to keep your edits specific to a particular topic cluster for good housekeeping
Future reviews:
Keith: have made changes to the glossary entry and glossary group topics; not entirely sure of the process for pushing those changes
Kris: Commit and push changes to your fork, and then open up a pull request to the TC's repository
If you do pull the content into your local working copy that will make it easier to work with your particular topics.

11:40 am ET close

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