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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 20 June 2023 uploaded

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Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann,


1. Roll call
Regrets: Keith Schengili-Roberts

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
13 June 2023
https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita/download.php/71135/June%2013%202023.txt (Christina Rothwell, forwarded by Eberlein, 20 June 2023)
moved by Kris, 2nd by Dawn, approved by TC

3. Announcements - none

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
[no updates; see agenda for complete list]

5. Editorial work on DITA for Technical Content 2.0 element-reference topics
[no updates; see agenda for details]

6. How do we increase membership? Participation?
- Kris; most of us no longer have time or energy to keep up spec work. We have to get 2.0 out the door, after that, we need to take on less ambitious projects, So the issue is 'How to get 2.0 out the door?'
- Dawn; we've got to get 2.0 out, then what's realistic is to just keep it going.
- Kris; up to now, I've been figuring that the work load for voting members is at least 4-6 hours/month.
- Dawn; why are non-voting members not voting members?
- Kris; I'm not sure. I can reach out to Christina, and to HPE, I know there's a group there.
- Dawn; what about Siemens?
- Kris; we answered their questions, and then they disappeared.
- Dawn; I was encouraged by new people who started coming over the last few months.
- Zoe; what about the big players who don't play a part, e.g. Adobe? What about them?
- Dawn; I wonder about membership fees for OASIS, that's why we've tried to go thru OASIS, but some people who care have no way of joining OASIS.
- Frank; also, why are some people short timers.
- Nancy; is it the OASIS fee structure?
- Kris; I think people are finding time is more critical. OASIS offered to give Parsons a free membership, but the time commitment was undoable.
- Dawn; I asked about Siemens because you asked 'are they intimidated' and I certainly was at first. Is there anything we can do to make people feel less intimidated? Thing is that Kris, Robert, Eliot, Scott, are a force to be reckoned with; I wonder if that's a factor.
- Kris; I agree with that. We have to think about hos we conduct TC meetings. to make it a more comfortable environment for new people. I would like to hear from Zoe and Frank.
- Dawn; Zoe, you've really jumped in.
- Zoe; I am still intimidated. but my approach is to shower the environment with questions.
- Nancy; so you're exactly the kind of person we need.
- Kris; you have driven some really important changes in the spec.
- Frank; you've asked a lot of questions I didn't dare ask; so many things open up for me just from your questions.
- Nancy; we might ask Scott about the DocBook trajectory, whether or not we want to emulate it.
- Dawn; what I heard Kris say is; maybe we could run the meetings differently so people don't feel intimidated.
- Kris; good idea; yes, we want to get work done, but we also need to get more people involved, so we need to change meeting so we don't get so many edge cases, and so we talk about more user-friendly stuff. I have 2 big concerns:
1. get 2.0 out the door.
2. keep TC as a viable organization. and for that, we need to make DITA feel more accessible to folks.
- Kris; I felt intimidated my first year on TC; met with Eliot in FL and he said 'you're the secretary who doesn't say anything.'
- Frank; but this is the place to discuss edge cases; where else can they be discussed, as they need to be in order to create a good standard? The question is, what can we change after 2.0 is out?
- Kris; can we even change anything before 2.0 to entice other folks into our midst? There are lots of things that need to be done, but they're labor-intensive, and so we don't have time or energy for them.
- Dawn; a lot fo edge cases go to email and we expect that everyone's read the email and understood it. do we need more intro presentations?
- Zoe; that's a big thing for me, the spec is written for processors, and for me it's about how I use it as a user, and edge cases are about having the tool makers understand.
- Kris; as far as being DITA TC, our role in authoring spec is not for end-user audience. post 2.0, we should be shifting our focus to be 1/2 spec, and 1/2 DITA adoption.
- Dawn; I agree, Zoe is right, and I'm in middle, I represent my clients, and many folks come as users.
- Kris; we don't have enough active membership to do the work, we want to get 2.0 out the door, but how do our meetings need to change to keep the TC in existence?
- Nancy; what about tool vendors?
- Kris; Ixiasoft has continued, but I can go to Eric Bergeron (sp?). Vendors have robust tools, so they see no need to work on DITA. In the early days, DITA was a bright shiny thing, and there was a lot to be decided.
- Zoe; it's obvious, if you want to have any say, you have to be involved.
- Frank; do they actually want to change anything. and with 2.0 mostly out the door, they know what will be in it.
- Kris; and new releases make more work for vendors, so they don't welcome them.
- Eliot; I'm terrible at recruiting people. DITA has reached a level of stability, so it won't attract people who want new things.
- Robert; ditto, it's not the exciting thing it used to be.
- Kris; one thing to do is to lower some 2.0 expectations and focus on velocity of getting it out the door.

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 20 June 2023

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2023-06-27 00:17:25

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