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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 25 July 2023 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Kris will reach out to Scott and Chet, find out if there are any concerns with us creating a Github repo for our wiki; if it's OK, we can dump our stuff there and use the Github wiki format.
2. Kris will put up content review, and Christina and Leroy can comment on them

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Christina Rothwell, Leroy Steinbacher


1. Roll call
Regrets: Robert Anderson, Eric Sirois, Frank Wegmann

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
18 July 2023
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202307/msg00007.html (Harrison, 21 July 2023)
moved by Kris, 2nd by Scott, approved by TC

3. Announcements:
Zoe out next few weeks

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
11 July 2023
Kris: Develop a DITA 2.0 backlog IN PROGRESS
18 July 2023
Dawn: Check with Brianna on extent to which she's updated L&T for 2.0.
Scott and Eliot: Start to update L&T files to work with 2.0 base.
- Kris; can you guys look at this?
- Scott; Dawn was going to have Brianna ping us on what she's done on this
- Kris; if you can just get your local working instance set up with that repo, loaded up with 1.3 errata 0.2, I pinged the list with what we did with file structure; we updated to 2.0 but didn't touch any of L&T except the grammar files, not docs or DITA source.
- Scott; will do
Eliot: Respond to dita-comment item on L&T from 24 May 2023.
Eliot: Respond to dita-comment item on getting the latest draft spec, from 14 June 2023.
- Eliot; I will try to get to this today
Spec reviews:
Dawn: Examples for reference (architectural topic) and COMPLETED
- Kris; I updated this; Dawn provided them

5. DITA TC wiki
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202307/msg00008.html (Eberlein, 25 July 2023)
- Kris; OASIS wants to retire the moinmoin wiki; we're the only TC that uses it, and it's pretty old; OASIS IT security folks want to retire it. I asked Scott about alternatives, but we also want to ask about other ways we could do our work. any other infrastructure ideas.
- Eliot; could we use the wiki that's available thru Github?
- Zoe; it's public.
- Kris; that's a great idea?
- Eliot; presumably there's a way to get a dump from the current wiki; should be a way to either have it in the Github wiki, or at least commit it to the repo.
- Kris; I don't know what the markup is for moinmoin wiki; it might be markdown?
- Scott; when you look at edit mode, it looks like a markdown type markup.
- Kris; it's a wiki markup, we might be able to just convert it to markdown. if we go with one associated with our Github repo, we might just want a separate wiki repo, we don't want to intermingle content in repos; e.g. we don't want any content in the base repo that isn't grammar files or DITA files.
- Leroy; so what are other TCs doing for agendas and action items?
- Kris; there's action item functionality built into OASIS toolset; we dont use it because it's too much overhead. Scott, what about the DocBook TC?
- Scott; they use document functionality from OASIS, everything else is sent via email, so it's available thru mailing list.
- Kris; we always wanted more of a wiki UI, it was easier to use and update.
***ActionItem; Kris will reach out to Scott and Chet, find out if there are any concerns with us creating a Github repo for our wiki; if it's OK, we can dump our stuff there and use the Github wiki format. We need a volunteer to look at analyzing this and doing this.
- Eliot; so, I just found this wrt this topic:
- Kris; one question to check is 'is wiki content separated by TCs, or all together?'; If they're not separate,that might be the difficult thing. I don't know if all the wiki pages, except for front page, are part of that structure, though it looks like it is. Though, if we're the only foks who've ever used it, it shouldn't be much of an issue...

6. DITA 2.0 base: Overview of DITA
Report back from Christina and Leroy:
What did they talk about?
Any recommendations?
Did others look at the content?
Do we need to throw up a Content Fusion review in prep for editorial work on this content?
- Kris; last week's AI for whole TC... Leroy & Christina, any summary?
- Christina; it's basic info about DITA in gen'l; we need a decision on how basic do we need to be? Some of it seems more like ads for DITA, or info they can get elsewhere. One question is 'what pieces are very basic and can be removed?'; there's also a lot of repetitive info that needs to be cleaned up. We need to get TC perspective on 'is the audience folks who already know about DITA, or not?'
- Leroy; I found there's value in overview; I certainly don't want to get rid of it, but a lot of it is repetitive. If it's clutter, that should get pulled out. Also there's some 'best practices' and that should maybe not be in a spec.
- Kris; some content is also 'preachy.' If we want an overview, what points do we want it to hit? There are 2 ways we can progress here:
1. Christina & Leroy and I can meet again, and toss out a CF version of edited content.
2. we can put out a CF review of current content, and see what folks think
- Eliot; I'd go with option 2
- [Scott and Nancy agree]
- Kris; I can put up a CF review.
***ActionItem: Kris will put up content review, and Christina and Leroy can comment on them
- Nancy; [just fyi] we use CF by inserting DITA draft-comment elements.
- Kris; right, we don't use CF's native commenting; we use our own. It's the only way we can generate the PDF's we need; can access with either Github or Google ID

7. DITA 2.0 backlog
DITA 2.0 Backlog (https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA-2.0-Backlog)
- Kris; any volunteers for spec or legacy conversion elements? Zoe? after vacation?
- Zoe; OK
- Kris; I will start nagging on these starting next week.

11:35am ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 25 July 2023

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2023-07-31 18:32:01

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