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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 8 August 2023 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Kris and Robert will look at 2.0 spec and see if we need to make any changes wrt dita-comment mail from Chris Papademetrious.
2. Kris will ask OASIS for another Github repo for our wiki.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 8 August 2023
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Eric Sirois, Leroy Steinbacher, Dawn Stevens, Bob Johnson


1. Roll call
Regrets: Zoe Lawson, Christina Rothwell, Frank Wegmann

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
[none available]

3. Announcements
- George and Radu (Syncrosoft/Oxygen) presenting at Boston DITA Users Group on 09 August 2023
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202308/msg00007.html (Doherty, 4 August)
- Kris; George & Radu are presenting tomorrow, it's a great look at enhancements. especially for AI.
- Bob Johnson intro; I've been working with DITA since 2006, worked in content mgmt. for almost 20 years; currently working at Jana as a content strategist.
- Kris; we really benefited from your review on accessibility, welcome.
- Eliot; Here at ServiceNow, yesterday we did a retrospective of our last release; this was the first release after our introduction of DITA keys. We had 8 breakout groups, and most said that keys made their lives easier.
- Kris; great news.
- Eliot; we may be the only enterprise doing such large-scale use of keys outside of Ixiasoft.

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
[no updates; see agenda for complete list]

5. e-mails from dita-comment list
consider spec clarification on DITAVAL (lack of) support for space-separated attribute values
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-comment/202308/msg00002.html (Chris Papademetrious, 07 August 2023)
- Eliot; I can't tell whether he's looking for convenience feature, or the ability to have a specific option that applies to one set of multiple values.
- Robert; that hadn't occurred to me. The second was never something I considered possible.
- Eliot; he might understand the convention of ditaval files; one value per pair.
- Kris; but the first sentence makes me wonder...
- Eliot; I took this to mean that for any @, can specify something separated by tokens, maybe using profiling in more general sense, or in specifically Oxygen sense.
- Kris; how do we want to reapond?
- Eliot; we can simply say there could be a convenience feature, but the convenience isn't great; OTOH, maybe we just want to clarify the spec.
- Kris; we need 2 AIs; one to respond to Chris, and one to propose a change to the appropriate place in the 2.0 spec, though since he's referring to 1.3 spec, we'll have to check and see what's there.
- Robert; we'll have to look at spec and see what's there
***ActionItem: Kris and Robert will look at 2.0 spec and see if we need to make any changes; we did overhaul all ditaval topics extensively.

6. DITA TC wiki
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202307/msg00008.html (Eberlein, 25 July 2023)
Reaching back about options for the DITA TC
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202308/msg00008.html (Eberlein, 07 August 2023)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202308/msg00009.html (Scott McGrath, 07 August 2023)
Should we try and use another mechanism for our agenda soon?
- Kris; I haven't heard back from Scott McGrath about how other TCs handle their agendas, though I asked him to help us. OASIS is planning a big migration this summer, so we can keep using our wiki for a bit. But, should we set up a new wiki for us?
- Nancy; that would give us a chance to shake it out.
- Robert; I think it would be good.
***ActionItem: Kris will ask OASIS for another Github repo.
- Robert; do we need a separate one?
- Kris; I think reason for second repo for the wiki is that it could hold content migrated from existing wiki. Also, I don't know what user permissions are on wikis; Robert and I own the other repos, and no one can else can edit them. We need for others to be able to edit this one. Can someone volunteer to see if they can edit wiki pages for one of our other repositories?
- Nancy; seems to let me edit.
- Scott; me also

7. Review U: Overview of DITA
Opening of review:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202308/msg00002.html (Eberlein, 01 August 2023)
Participation & important question
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202308/msg00010.html (Eberlein, 08 August 2023)
- Kris; good comments, we need to have folks work on maps sections as well. pls look at PDF and think about content, but question to address are:
- What is the purpose of this section in the spec?
- Who is the audience?
- What do we really, truly want to say here?
started out as marketing, some has been updated, some not, for 2.0, we need this to be solid and accurate.
- Eliot; I think of them as being high level explanation of 'why does DITA exist?', not trying to be marketing stuff, but intro to DITA spec, high level set of concepts.
- Kris; so a basic intro and setting stage for someone who would be reading the spec.
- Eliot; my attempt to transition from techcontent discussion to for more of a gen'l audience.
- Kris; so from your perspective, audience is developers and IAs
- Eliot, yes, as oppposed to authors.
- Kris; some of that content still reflects that, but other stuff has crept in, especially wrt topics. so Eliot, pls look at it as it currently exists.
- Eliot; did that this morning.
- Nancy; I also see it as for developers and IAs.
- Eliot; The material also was trying to distinguish DITA from competitors, primarily DocBook; but DocBook is now fading from use, so not needed.
- Kris; is this something we also want to put in 'DITA for Tech Content' spec? If so, we need to make content more standalone. Right now, core content reuses shortdescs content from other places in spec. Should we author this content so it can also be used in techcont spec, and if we want a separate DITA overview publication? any thoughts?
- Eliot; If there's ever time for someone to write it, it would be very useful. XSD has such a doc spec part 0

8. Volunteer spec assignments
Assignment https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA-2.0-Backlog
- Kris; do we have a glossentry volunteer?
- Dawn; I volunteered for all but glossgroup, Eliot has that.
- Kris; Leroy, have you made any progress?
- Leroy, not yet
- Kris; please start by fork ing the repo.
- Kris; for glossentry, i'll add my name, because the abbrev form stuff is so tightly connected to glossary stuff. Eliot, can you also review the gloss group and high level conceptual topics?
- Kris; wrt abbrev forms, who on the TC has used it or worked with clients who used it?
[Dawn, Scott, Eric have used it]
- Eric; I can find out how many clients have used it.
- Kris; the important thing is; how many were using it with localized content?
- Dawn; I think I have several who plan to localize.
- Scott; We used it at Jeppesen, but they're aviation, and that's all English-only.
- Eric; I can find out.
- Kris; at Mayo, they implemented abbrevform, which was horrible, they ended up migrating other languages and adding abbrevform, ended up with it with keys, to other language, and so they had to replace all abbrevform elements in other languages with text replacements. So for specialization, we had to take content embedded in archspec element ref and build more arch to deal with gloss topics and abbrevform, so I started doing that. And I had to redo a bunch of gloss topics as well. I could really use help and a second set of eyes. It's challenging because wrt rules for processing/rendering, we're using normative SHOULDs and surrounding this with 'all abbrevform element depends on whether it's in intro content or not.' So how can we have a normative SHOULD statement on something that's subjective?
- Robert; exactly, I understand why we have it, but given that the spec as a legal document, it doesn't work.
- Kris; different processors have interpreted what to do with abbrevform completely differently. So it's very frustrating for authors. So maybe we can't use normative SHOULDs, but give expectations for processor output.
- Robert; so say 'intent is' rather than give SHOULDs.
- Kris; it's hard to talk about in abstract, so I'll generate a PDF of content around abbrevform and glossentry topics in preparation for review in CF, so we can talk about this looking at some examples. If folks can find out who's using it, and especially how they're using it, and what feedback they've gotten around non-English results, that would be great. all these elements came into the spec at 1.2, and we know there were plenty of issues there.

9. DITA 2.0 backlog
DITA 2.0 Backlog https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA-2.0-Backlog
- Kris; Robert and I need to look at what needs help, and what volunteers can we get to help with this.

- Dawn; we've decided to do another DITA Europe, in February, in helsinki, which makes Jarno very happy.

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 8 August 2023

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2023-08-10 23:37:00

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