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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 6 February 2024 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Kris will do combined stage 2/3 proposal for new glossary domain, as minimal as possible but containing what we need for tracking purposes.
2. TC members will review Kris's new proposal asap

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 6 February 2024
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Bob Johnson, Eliot Kimber, Christina Rothwell, Eric Sirois, Dawn Stevens


Regrets: Scott Hudson, Zoe Lawson, Leroy Steinbacher, Frank Wegmann

1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting
30 Jan [Available too late to be voted on] (Harrison, 6 Feb 2024)

2. Announcements
[next week's TC meeting cancelled because of DITA Europe; a number of TC members will be in Helsinki]

ConVex https://convex.infomanagementcenter.com is 8-10 April 2024 in Minneapolis.
- Dawn; lots of registrants for ConVex and DITA Europe.
Adobe DITA World https://2024-adobe-dita-world.meetus.adobeevents.com is May 2024. If you are interested in speaking, send an e-mail to techcomm@adobe.com.

3. What to do with the glossentry specialization
Summary of glossentry elements: What to keep, what to get rid off (Anderson, 06 February 2024) https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202402/msg00003.html
- Robert; this is about not redesigning, but making it more usable. glossUsage can be used for many things. Wrt the table in my email, items in green in table are to be kept because thery're needed for metadata reqs based on how abbreviated forms is defined. Besides that, I recommend that we only keep glossSymbol and glossUsage.
- Kris; this is a proposal to discuss; Robert and I did a fast and dirty triage.
- Robert; there seems to be a consensus that the current version is t confusing middle point between simple-to use and fully useful for lexicographers / terminolody mgmt.
- Kris; so it makes nobody happy.
- Robert; but we don't have time for a real redesign, so this is just an attempt at pruning it back, like we did with subjectScheme.
- Dawn; I have one suggestion; we should retain glossSynonym; otherwise there's no place to put a synonym or alternate term; otherwise it's great.
- Kris; thoughts?
[Nancy, Eliot, Stan, Kris, & Robert agree with Dawn]
- Kris; other general thoughts?
- Nancy; this gets rid of six items, almost half of the original number, so it makes it much less intimidating.
- Kris; it's similar to what we're doing with subjectScheme.
- Dawn; I think it makes sense.
- Kris; if an implementation is using 1.3 version of glossentry, they can stay with it; we can give migration tips and tricks. We're not introducing anything in 2.0 that people would need to use in order to continue using the 1.3 version.
- Robert; and we don't make changes to any markup, so no new markup added.
- Kris; any objections to this proposal (i.e., Robert's email proposal plus including glosssynonym)?
- Kris; what is the work requirement for this?
- Robert; really, just some romovals.
- Kris; do we need a formal proposal for this?
[TC consensus is 'yes']
- Kris; any volunteers?
- Dawn; do we need all proposal phases, or not?
- Kris; just need one combined proposal. I'll volunteer to do it; it will detail work items to handle.
- Dawn; I can work on glossary topics that have been reviewed already.
- Kris; wrt a combined stage 2/3 proposal, I can't do the changes Dawn has signed up for.
- Robert; I can do the grammar part; this is just deletions, that's much easier.
- Dawn; I'd say, wrt doc comments from review, the changes made as edits don't need to be part of proposal. I'll incorporate things that were there as I prepare it.
***ActionItem: Kris will do combined stage 2/3 proposal for this, as minimal as possible but containing what we need for tracking purposes.
***ActionItem: TC members to review proposal asap
- Kris; as soon as TC approves proposal, Robert can start doing the grammar work.
- Robert; actually, I can probably get started even before that.
- Kris; this seems like a real solution; glad the TC got to spend as much time as we did reviewing and discussing this; it was frustrating, but I think we came out with a better result than we would have otherwise.

4. Review A, 2024: Glossentry and elements
Opening of review (Eberlein, 23 January 2024)
Status of review (Eberlein, 30 January 2024)
Kris; let me and Robert look at that review, and see if we need to finish it , or just do the most critical things and then look forward to the next review, after the proposal goes forward

5. Action items
[updates only; see https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/wiki/Action-items for complete list]
16 January 2024
Eliot: Identify titles for examples around cascading that we identified based on discussion of Denis Troaca's e-mail
- Kris; any updates?
- Eliot; not yet, keep bugging me about it...
- Kris; at some point, we might have to reopen the item or discussion to refresh everything
- Eliot; I still understand the fundamental challenges, but I just need to get to it.
18 July 2023
Scott and Eliot: Start to update L&T files to work with 2.0 base. In progress
- Eliot; those are all done, as far as I know, there's a pull request out there
- Kris; we'll check with Robert at the next meeting.

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 6 February 2024

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2024-02-09 13:04:00

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