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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: draft vs. final/%show-comments%

Lane Stevens <lane@cycletime.com> writes:

> 1) Use the %show-comments% variable to control, but this implies having to
> change the stylesheet (can this be set and unset from the command
> line?)


    jade -V '%show-comments%' [additional options] FILE.sgml


> 2) Use the status attribute that is associated with the top-level, or the
> enclosing element.

Sounds like work (= your tools need to support it).

> 3) Using a marked section, but that implies a change to the document to move
> from draft to final.

Use the -i switch from the command line.  Try:

echo '<!DOCTYPE book [
<!ELEMENT book - - (#PCDATA)>
<!ENTITY % draft "IGNORE">]>
<![%draft;[this is draft text]]>
yyy</book>' | nsgmls -i draft


-xxx\nthis is draft text\nyyy

versus (without -i):

echo '<!DOCTYPE book [
<!ELEMENT book - - (#PCDATA)>
<!ENTITY % draft "IGNORE">]>
<![%draft;[this is draft text]]>
yyy</book>' | nsgmls



Both versions have there merits (and drawbacks).

work : ke@suse.de                          |                   ,__o
     : http://www.suse.de/~ke/             |                 _-\_<,
home : keichwa@gmx.net                     |                (*)/'(*)

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