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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: DocBook HTML Help stylesheet support for Xalan?

Beth Fischi <bfischi@broadjump.com> writes:

> This question is for Jirka Kosek in particular, but anyone else if
> they know. Jirka, I remember reading somewhere (one of the README
> files?) that the DocBook HTML Help stylesheet (under
> docbook\contrib\htmlhelp) currently supports XT, but not Xalan.

I think Jirka's comments within the stylesheet itself still say that
it *only* works with XT. But I'm sure that's no longer true, because
I've used it myself with Saxon and it works fine. Have you tried it
with Xalan?

> Also, I want to express my appreciation for the tremendous work you,
> Norm, and everyone else, have been doing on the stylesheets, the
> DTD, and so on. Through your efforts, you have made so many people's
> lives easier!


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