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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Problem with table that spans multiple pages

/ Kraa de Simon <Simon.de.Kraa@icl.nl> was heard to say:
| Besides that, by default border-before-width has conditionality="discard"
| thus no intermediate table borders, and your cells don't have border-before
| (top),
| only border-bottom and border-right.
| Specify border-top on the header  -- you'll get the proper frames.
| ---
| Does this mean this is a problem with Docbook XSL?
| Any ideas on how I should proceed?

Sigh. The interaction between CALS and FO tables and borders and FO
and CSS and implementations is pretty hairy. I'll take a look.

(Can you file this at SF so that it doesn't get lost? TIA.)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | All knowledge is of itself of some
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | value. There is nothing so minute
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | or inconsiderable, that I would
                                   | not rather know it than not.--Dr.
                                   | Johnson

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