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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help please: new user questions

> Jon Foster and I will release SGML/XML packages for Cygwin (a Unix
> emulation running on Windows) in the next couple of days

Sounds great. I have the latest Cygwin with everything except for TeX
things, see below for why.

> (hopefully). This will allow the same convenience of installation as
> you may be used from Debian. It will include OpenJade, xsltproc,
> DocBook SGML and XML DTDs, DocBook DSSSL and XSL stylesheets, TEI
> DTD and TEI XSL stylesheets. The TeX packages will (eventually)
> contain JadeTeX, xmltex, and PassiveTeX to allow Postscript and PDF
> output out of the box. Would you like to have anything else?

I can't be sure, because I am uncertain of whether anything else will
be useful for me. If I can produce academic articles, essays, books
and reports such as dissertations, which I can with the DocBook
classes, and then translate into HTML/XHTML, PDF, Postscript, RTF and
plain text, then this is all I will need for my purposes.

The main thing is this: the installer should get everything setup for
the user who has no idea about DTDs and stuff, as I don't. My aim is
to use DocBook as is, and for this, I will need the pocessors like
OpenJade to know how to find the DocBook files, so I can go C:\DocBook
Documents\Articles\> openjade whatever.sgm -t tex -o whatever.tex and
it will work without extra help from me to find the catalog files and

This installer should give the option not to install the TeX things,
as I already have the TeX Live! bundle and I don't want its
environment variables messed up pointing off to other TeX distros.

And so, here is what I am looking for:
* Installer to install and setup correctly, ready to translate DocBook
markup into several formats
* Latest DocBook DTDs etc, and docs for upgrading (e.g. download blah
and install to blah)
* Docs on what commands to run for X output format

> Once again, please have a look at:
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hoenicka_markus/ntsgml.html

This wasn't helpful to me at all. It just confused me because it
didn't explain what the source of my error messages might be. I have
the software it talks about, and followed the instructions for setting
up and using each software package as far as was explained in their
respective documentation packages, but I still can't use DocBook.

I get error messages such as "no whatever.dsl, doesn't use base DSSSL
whatever, can't find ARTICLE class thingie, <article> etc undefined,
DTDDEF (or whatever) not supported [from docbook.cat]" and so on.

> While this is not limited to DocBook, it explains the setup of a
> and XML editing and publishing system on Windows using only free
> software. DocBook is used as one example (besides HTML) for
> SGML DTDs. The feedback that I have gotten from users of this
> during the past several years indicates that this document
> significantly decreases the pain of setting up DocBook et al. on
> Windows.

It should give an explanation of possible causes of errors for such
things as this: (this is the output from my command line run of

openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\docbook.cat:22:0:W: DTDDECL catalog
entries are not supported
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:54:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-amsa.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:61:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-amsb.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:68:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-amsc.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:75:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-amsn.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:82:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-amso.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:89:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-amsr.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:96:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-box.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:103:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-cyr1.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:110:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-cyr2.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:117:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-dia.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:124:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-grk1.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:131:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-grk2.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:138:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-grk3.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:145:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-grk4.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:152:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-lat1.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:159:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-lat2.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:166:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-num.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:173:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-pub.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\dbcent.mod:180:0:E: cannot open
"C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\iso-tech.gml" (No such file or directory)
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\docbook.cat:22:0:W: DTDDECL catalog
entries are not supported
openjade:test.sgm:14:0:E: character data is not allowed here
openjade:C:\Docbook\docbook-4.1\docbook.cat:22:0:W: DTDDECL catalog
entries are not supported
openjade:E: cannot open "-t" (No such file or directory)
openjade:E: cannot open "test.dsl" (No such file or directory)
openjade:E: cannot open "tex" (No such file or directory)
openjade:E: specification document does not have the DSSSL
architecture as a base architecture
openjade:E: cannot open "-o" (No such file or directory)
openjade:E: cannot open "test.tex" (No such file or directory)

Here is the test document:

<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
<!- For publication in the Archives of Sexual bahviour, supervised by
Dr R. Bauserman ->
<title>Adolescent Boys' Sexual Health and Knowledge</title>
Most boys in a national probability sample did not know what Hepatitis
C was (57%, N = 841) and an alarming percentage
of boys did not know how this relatively common Sexually Transmitted
Disease (STD) was contracted (93%, N = 841). Most
sexually active adolescent boys (72%, N = 320) did not practice safe
sex, and had a poor knowledge of sexual health. This
article shows that better sex education can help prevent the spread of
Hepatitis C, beginning with young men.

[in C:\Documents and Settings\Whitestar\My Documents\DocBook

My OpenJade is in C:\OpenJade-1.3.1\

My DocBook 4.1 distribution from Oasis is in C:\DocBook\DocBook-4.1\

The environment variable "SGML_CATALOG_FILES" is set to


Thanks and regards,


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