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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] PDF Chapter/Part Pagebreaks

> Hi Janeene,
> It is a common misunderstanding that the beginpage element
> is used to create a page break in the output.  It doesn't.
> That element is used to record where there was a page break
> in a document before it was converted to DocBook.
> However, you can insert a manual page break using a
> processing instruction.  See:
> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/200311/msg00098.html

Thanks. Although interestingly enough the beginpage element was actually 
working to create a page break. I'll go through and correct them all though. 

> Your need to turn off all automatic page breaking is not
> easy to do in DocBook XSL.  Parts and chapters start
> a page-sequence in the FO output.  A page sequence always
> starts on a new page.  It isn't possible to turn that
> off with a parameter.  You would have to customize the
> template matching chapter in fo/component.xsl to make starting
> the page-sequence conditional on the content of the part
> container element.
> You can turn off the extra blank pages by not using double
> sided output.

Have not been using double sided output since at times I seemed to be getting 
up to 3 blank pages in a row. Am still having some trouble with blank pages - 
between the end of the Preface and the start of the first Part, in fact any 
Part (even with double sided turned off) appears to be forced onto an 
odd-numbered page, with the resulting blank page before it if it would have 
been on an even numbered page according to the document flow. The other spot 
that has problems is between the Table of Contents and the Preface - it 
appears to run under the same rule as the Part with the Preface forced into 
an odd numbered page.

And yes, the customisation layer definitely has:
<xsl:param name="double.sided" select="0"/>


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