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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Transitioning to Docbook

Hello Karen

I am definitely planning a write up about the migration when i  finish the
migration of the files and workflows. i just have a few more questions as
you can see :-)
But as a small teaser; They where really impressed with the following in a
random order:

-We now have pdf, html, html chuncked and chm documentation only one click
away. ( we are using oxgen xml author to write the files).
- no more laborious dtd to make all the documents look the same
- Multiple people can work on different sections without difficult merges
into the main document.
- the fact that we now have a better revision history and diff options.
Technically this should be attributed to the fact that we also moved to
SVN as the storage facility, but flat files are much easier to compare any
day of the week.
- we now can automagically generate an index  and ToC's with out the
hassle of diy administration


> Bram wrote, "We are planning to move to docbook and the initial transition
> went very smoothly and impressed my non-CS bosses." This caught my eye.
> I'd
> love to hear what helped Bram succeed -- it could be very useful for other
> organizations! Also, what is persuasive for Word users would also be
> helpful
> (tools, tutorials, special approaches, etc.).
> Thanks,
> --
> --
> | Karen G. Schneider
> | Community Librarian
> | Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts"
> | Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712
> | kgs@esilibrary.com
> | Web: http://www.esilibrary.com
> | Be a part of the Evergreen International Conference, May 20-22, 2009!
> | http://www.solinet.net/evergreen

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