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Subject: Automatic glossaries and seealso

I’m using <glossary role=”auto” /> to generate a glossary for multiple documents from the same source.


This works great, unless I use a glossterm in the document that contains a <glossseealso> element. When this happens, I get the “See also” reference in the generated glossary, but if the glossterm was not used in the document, the reference term isn’t in the glossary.



My document contains:


My glossary has <glossseealso>cooling</glossseealso>

So when I run the stylesheets, I get “See also, cooling” under the entry for heating, even though “cooling” isn’t in the generated glossary.


I would either like to automatically add the term to the generated glossary or remove the seealso reference for terms that are not used.


(Could this also be a bug? It doesn’t seem like expected behavior.)


DAVID GOSS | Technical Writer

P 1.800.876.9218 x 345 | F 1.800.588.9866




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