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Subject: List of figures appears empty in PDF file


I would like to have a list of figures in the print output for my book project.

I have set the following in fo/params.xls:

<!-- 3. ToC/LoT/Index Generation ================================ -->
<xsl:param name="autotoc.label.separator" select="' '"/>
<xsl:param name="generate.toc">
/article  toc,title
article   toc,title
book      toc,title,figure
part      toc,title
reference toc,title
set       toc,title
<xsl:param name="toc.indent.width">1</xsl:param>

Now, I run fop and interestingly this is what I get:

Making portrait pages on A4 paper (210mmx297mm)
height is now: 297
unit is now: mm
goldenratio: 1.618/>
blockHeight is: 113.454
tableWidth is: 187.5
cellHeight is: 123.75
WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure WARNING: toc : Unknown TOC element figure .

I suspect there are as many such lines above as there are figures in my book. My
figures always are specified like this in the xml source files:

<figure xml:id="fig_xtpcpp-main-window-edit-menu-modifications">

  <title>The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu showing various configuration


  <imageobject role="fo">
    <imagedata fileref="print-xtpcpp-main-window-edit-menu-modifications.png"/>
  <imageobject role="html">
    <imagedata fileref="web-xtpcpp-main-window-edit-menu-modifications.png"/>

  <caption><para>This menu becomes available in the main program window only when
  identification data have been loaded in &xtpcpp;</para></caption>



When rendering the book, I effectively get a "List of figures" title, but the
list is empty.

What am I missing here ?

Thank you for your attention.



âââââââ  Filippo Rusconi, PhD
âââââââ   Research scientist at CNRS
âââââââ   Debian Developer
âââââââ  http://msxpertsuite.org

book: http://www.lavoisier.fr/livre/notice.asp?id=3LKW2OAR2KROWZ
GÃnÃtique Quantitative et Ãvolution & Plateforme PAPPSO
UMR CNRS 8120 â INRA â Università Paris-Sud â AgroParisTech - Università Paris-Saclay
http://moulon.inra.fr/ & http://pappso.inra.fr/
Ferme du Moulon
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
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