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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 17 October 2012

DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 17 October 2012

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 at
01:00p ET for 30 minutes.

1. Roll call

Present: Dick Hamilton, Scott Hudson,
Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton

Regrets: Nancy Harrison, Norm Walsh

Absent: Jirka Kosek

2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting (August).

3. Next meeting: 14 November 2012

4. Review of the agenda.

5. Review of open action items

 a.  Norm to publish an XSD for 5.1 when it is finished.

 b.  Norm to document XLink support in The Definitive
     Guide for 5.1, including the concern about
     translatable text in the title attribute.

 c.  Norm to follow up on OASIS mirroring the schema directory.

 d.  Norm to integrate accessibility attributes
     into DocBook 5.1.

 e.  Norm to allow admonitions in table in DocBook 5.1.

 f.  Norm to change @fileref to @href in assembly.

 g.  Norm to reply to the author in RFE 3531929 regarding @outputformat.

 h.  Norm to add @outputformat as a profiling attribute.

i. Norm to change @format to @outputformat in the assembly element named 'output'.

j. Norm to add AltGr and Return to the enumerated values of the keycap element.

 k.  Bob to research how we decided to handle schema extensions.

 l.  Bob to send the proposed slides schema to the TC.

 m.  Larry to try mapping slides to assembly.

6.  OASIS website issues

Continued until next meeting.

7.  Publisher's and eLearning subcommittee reports

Scott reported that the Publisher's Subcommittee is still
developing the draft 1.1 spec.  Scott will convene
a meeting when the draft is finished.

Scott reported that the eLearning Subcommittee developed
a draft course assembly, and it is posted on the OASIS Wiki [2].
He invites TC members to review it.

8.  Add slides schema variant to DocBook 5?


9.  CALS table accessibility

Discuss Scott's proposal. [3]
The Committee approved Scott's proposal.
Norm already has an action item to implement the
accessibility features in DocBook 5.1.

10.  Transclusion in DocBook


11.  DocBook 5.1 release


12.  Review of Requests for Enhancement

   To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):


   RFEs to revisit for 6.0
     1907003  biblioid content model too broad

   RFEs under discussion
     2820947  Ability to transclude text
     3035565  Allow sections at any level
     3107140  aconym expansion inline
     3156768  <result> tag
     3491860   license tag

  New RFEs
     3571149   Allow Article inside Set

The TC discussed this new RFE. Larry was concerned about
putting elements from different hierarchical levels together.
Bob mentioned that forcing articles into a book requires
adding a book title, which may not be appropriate for
unrelated articles.  Also, DocBook has long said that
book and article are top-level elements, so creating a
set that mixes them could be useful. Some were concerned
about rendering.  The TC was generally not opposed to
the change, but we want to get more TC input.

ACTION: Bob to start a discussion on the TC list for
this RFE.

After the meeting, Dick described the Google Summer of Code
efforts as successful, producing updates for webhelp,
slides, and Word roundtripping. There will be a Mentor
Summit 20 and 21 October in Mountain View, CA. [4]

Larry asked if any efforts were made to replace the Javascript
search engine in webhelp with something else, such as Apache Lucene.

Dick suggested that the TC invite one or more participants
to present their results to the TC at the next meeting.

ACTION: Dick to contact Google Summer of Code participants
regarding making a presentation.


[1] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201208/msg00004.html
[2] https://wiki.oasis-open.org/docbook/writingMatters
[3] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201208/msg00000.html
[4] http://gsoc-wiki.osuosl.org/index.php/2012

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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