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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: customized headers and footers

Sylvan Ravinet <sylvan@ravinet.com> writes:

> Please tell me how you would to it, and I would appreciate code
> examples  in DSSSL (?) to do this.

The following example DSSSL code creates a custom header, which puts
the <date> element data contained the <bookinfo> element into the page
header.  It does not accomplish all the stuff you mentioned, however,
at our standard programming services rates, onShore would be happy to
produce the DSSSL for you.  [Shoot me an email if interested]

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

; use the date in the header
(define ($revision-header$)
  (let* ((revision-info (select-elements 
			 (children (select-elements
				    (children (sgml-root-element))
				    (normalize "bookinfo")))
			 (normalize "date")))
	 (has-revision (not (node-list-empty? revision-info))))
    (if has-revision
	(make sequence
	  font-posture: 'italic
	  (process-node-list (node-list-first revision-info)))

(define (page-inner-header gi)
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "dedication")) (empty-sosofo))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "lot")) (empty-sosofo))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "part")) (empty-sosofo))
   (else ($revision-header$))))

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