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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: Change Bars

Norman Walsh wrote:

>/ Stephen Rasku <stephen@tgivan.com> was heard to say:
>| Is there any way to generate change bars from a DocBook document?  
>| not, is there any intention of adding this functionality?
>Yes, it can be done either by hand or semi-automatically.
>You can use the revisionflag attribute to track changes. If you have
>two versions of the document, you can use diffmk
>(http://www.sun.com/xml/developers/diffmk/) to automatically add the
>Then process the document with changebars.xsl and you'll get 
>like change bars 

I am using version 1.64 of the DocBook DSSSL style sheets.  Can I use 
changebars.xsl with DSSSL style sheets or do I need to use XSL style 
sheets?  I want to generate change bars on printed output.  Can I use 
XSL style sheets to render into PostScript?

Stephen Rasku			E-mail:	stephen@tgivan.com
Senior Software Engineer	Web:	http://www.pop-star.net/
TGI Technologies

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