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Subject: RE: [docbook] RE: Sections and topics

Hi Bob, 
In skimming the TC meeting minutes, I recall also some mention of transclusion that also addresses some of these problems. Is the modular content work related to that or a separate project? Do you know if the transclusion work would be an extension of xinclude or something different?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Stayton [mailto:bobs@sagehill.net] 
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 6:21 PM
To: rob.cavicchio@emc.com; Kate.Wringe@sybase.com; docbook-tc@lists.oasis-open.org; docbook@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [docbook] RE: Sections and topics

This discussion is of great interest to the DocBook Technical Committee, as we are 
currently developing a DocBook solution for modular content.  I believe most of the 
problems that have been mentioned here will be addressed.

The first step toward modular content was the introduction of the topic element, which 
will debut in DocBook 5.1.  A topic element is meant as a standalone module of 
content, ready to be assembled into larger documents.  Its structure is similar to 
section.  The placement of topic within existing DocBook elements like book and 
chapter is not very important, as those will serve primarily as storage boxes for 
topic elements to be assembled.

The other addition in 5.1 will be the assembly element and its descendant elements 
like structure, resource and module.  An assembly is similar to a DITA map, in that it 
contains a set of pointers that define the content and structure of the assembled 
document, but not the content itself.  But a DocBook assembly is quite different from 
a DITA map in many ways.

One of the features will be an option to include content without including the wrapper 
element, which permits you to avoid duplicate ID values in an assembled document. 
Another is the renderas attribute, which allows you to convert a topic to a chapter, 
appendix, or section as needed, or vice-versa.

You can expect to soon see public announcements regarding release of the new schemas 
in beta form for testing, as well as some documentation and tools for processing.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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