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Subject: Re: [ebxml-cppa] planning version 1.1 edits: partyName


I have some suggestions about the partyName additions.

Lines 604-607:  Please replace "MAY NOT" by "might not" in line 605.  The
expression "MAY NOT" is defined by RFC 2119 to refer to something that an
implementation is not required to implement.  Here, you want an expression
of the fact that uniqueness is not guaranteed for partyName.

Line 686-687:  This statement is too strong for what it is describing.  It
should be non-normative.  Also, it isn't the contents of xlink:href that
are being discussed; it is the document referred by partyRef.  I suggest
the following replacement:

   The contents of the document referenced by the partyRef element are
   subject to change at any time.  Therefore, they SHOULD NOT be cached for
   a long period of time.  Rather, this document SHOULD be dereferenced
   only when needed.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

Jean Zheng <Jzheng@vitria.com> on 11/29/2001 09:27:39 PM

To:    ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject:    [ebxml-cppa] planning version 1.1 edits: partyName

Not sure if this is the best way to distribute changes:
I'm using our 1.0 spec as base and the following line numbers are referring
to the attached document:

line 583, 605-613, 687-688: New addition regarding partyName
line 2437, 2573, 2651: added lines to Examples
line 2785-2787: added lines to Dtd (I understand that Dtd is going away, I
made the changes for the sake of consistency).
line 3036-3037: schema

All lines are highlighted, too.

Thank you for reviewing!  Any suggestions at all are welcome!  Please do
me know if I missed anything.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Moberg [mailto:dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:34 AM
To: ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-cppa] Thursday, November 29,CPPA teleconference agenda:
planning version 1.1 edits

An important meeting for moving forward on emptying the
issues database!

Please send in additions, though you can see that we
have a bountiful harvest already.

Call in information:
 USA Toll Number: +1-712-884-0932
  Toll Free Number: 877-719-1163
 LEADER:            Mr Brian Hayes
 Brian's cell phone number: (925) 788-6304

Proposed Agenda:

0. Administrative issues:
   a. January Face to Face needed? What week can people attend?
      Where can it be held?
   b. Writing schedule for December drafts of version 1.1
      We need people to take ownership for drafting additions or changes
      for 1.1 revisions. Tony is on vacation this week, and we will
      need to find out that he can piece the edits together or whether
      he wants help. Shall we focus on parceling out tasks based
      on schema changes? And then add in all the residual tasks?
      If so, schema updates need to be available for review
      at the start of December. Arvola? Taking responsibility
      for sections, means checking examples involving the schema
      elements, noting any renumbering of sections (try to keep
      to the minimum), checking cross-references, checking whether
      other appendices need to be updated.

2. Service and Action naming proposals (Brian and Hima subteams)

   Using ActionBinding element to store long name and short names for
   Using ActionBinding for storing Packaging specifics.
   ActionBinding usage allows specific reference to portions
   of a BPSS instance that are being agreed to (perhaps reducing
   need to "filter" out portions of document subject to agreement.)

   Volunteers for write-up?

3. PerMessage, duplicateElimination, AckRequested, signing, synch (and
   related distinctions following synch/asynch response apportionment)
(Arvola review)
   Volunteer for write-up?

Residual issues:

4. PartyName, PartyRef changes, etc. (Marty and Jean)

5. Arvola Schema Straw Proposal: ready for schema? (Arvola)
   ActionBinding writeup? Arvola?
   Peter Ogden will handle writing assignment for CertificateRef related
   and additions. Arvola's "new elements" approach to be used, and not
   qualifying certificate usages.

6. New SecurityDetails element discussion.
   Dale Moberg will write up this element.
   No word yet from XAML TC subgroup on whether policy notations usable
in 1.1.
   Messaging says their policy appendix is probably stable.
   TrustAnchor element issues.

Thanks to Brian Hayes and Commerce One for hosting
tomorrow's CPPA teleconference.

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