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Subject: [ebxml-iic] telecon minutes and more

Title: telecon minutes and more


See minutes of last telecon attached (Please check your name/attendance, before we post on IIC page).

- I am pleased to announce the effective creation of an interoperability testing task force (ITTF) for Messaging,
after we agreed on the idea yesterday. There are two parallel, cooperating tasks to do in this group:
 (1) definition of interoperability test cases that address the needs of the user community,
(2) design a test format/process/architecture that is friendly to automation / easy to operate.
(see the details of the mission of the MS ITTF, sent before).
Sinha Prakash (IONA) already volunteered to lead (1). He has in-depth experience with RosettaNet RNIF Interoperability
testing. We actually have a lot of expertise in our TC about (1), that I hope we will also leverage (David Fisher / DGI?)

Steve Yung (Sun) volunteered to lead (2). Matt also proposed additional help from XMLGlobal. There will be
certainly synergy with test format & procedures of MS CTTF.

- regarding the issue of IP status of the work on private CVS: one way to be on the safe side, is:
. to not mention OASIS copyright and IP.
. to mention explicitly copyright with the names of each of our IIC members... so that would safely guarantee
access and right to download from IIC members - without involving OASIS - but not from others.
When the work is ready for broader release, we send a snapshot to OASIS ftp site. (comments?)


Jacques Durand
IIC chair


The call-in information of Monday  
9:00AM PT  (Noon ET) April 1 , 2002, ebXML IIC conference call is as follows: 

Host:         GXS (Jeff Eck)
  Date:           Monday,   April 1, 2001 
  Time:           9:00AM Pacific Time (Noon Eastern Time)
  Toll Free:     1-877-434-7266 
  Long Dist:    1-301-340-5190 
  Meeting ID#  32965 (ebXML)  


Mike Kass (NIST)
Jeff Eck (GE/GXS)
Jeff Turpin (CycloneCommerce)
Jaques Durand (Fujitsu)
Kazunori Iwasa (Fujitsu)
Pete Wentzel (SeeBeyond)
Michael Wang (TIBCO)
David Fischer (Drummond Group)
Steve Young (Sun)
Himagiri M. (Sybase)
Matt MacKenzie (XMLGlobal)
Sinha Prakash (IONA)
Anne Fisher (DGI)
Patrick Gannon (OASIS president/CEO)


1. April f-2-f ebXML/OAG/NIST meeting logistics and phone-in option. 
We should have about 6 IIC members at the meeting, plus about 6 who will phone in.
I believe International call-in was asked by one person.
Phone-in will be supported for sessions ebXML+OAG Testbed ([B]) and ebXML-only sessions ([C]).
We will arrange for Thursday 11 review of COnformance tests to take place ~ 10:30 am EST 
(instead of 8:30). Michael Kass will send out directions from airport.

2. XML Europe (Barcelona)(May 20-23)(OASIS members $100 rebate) 
Jeff Eck organizing, let him know if you join. 
There will be joint meeting with ebTWG (from UN/CEFACT) (see www.ebtwg.org)
Dixit Karl B.:" The first meeting of the ebXML Joint Architecture team will be held in
Barcelona the week of 20 May. (This is the week of the XML Europe 2002
conference as well as the ebTWG meetings.) It is important that each of
the OASIS ebXML TCs be represented in these discussions."
Note: ebXML BPSS and Core COmponents are currently under ebTWG (not OASIS).
Logistics: the ebTWG meetings may take place in a different building (Trade Center?)
than XML Europe. (how far?)
We'll have also an IIC meeting - some review / (hopefully) demo of conformance tests
in action, and possibly (now that we have an interop task force), review of 
Interoperability test cases and architecture.
Note that  ebXML Day program (Thursday) has been announced

3. Conformance Testing Task Force(s): so far, consensus is that a CTTF can function
quite well in current set-up (involving a liaison to the spec-authoring TC).
Reminder: there are two aspects in the work of a CTTF: (1) authoring test case definitions,
(2) designing test format and processing guidelines/prototyping. So far, we will
involve the spec-authoring TC for (1). 
We may have to define more precisely the mode of involvment/decision of the other TC.
We'll make a try with MS to see how that works.

4. Interoperability Testing Task Force (ITTF). 
Resolution is to set up an ITTF for MS. This group will produce a Test suite for 
MS Interoperability, that responds to user community needs,
and design a test format/process/architecture that is friendly to automation / easy to operate. 
(see the details of the mission of the MS ITTF, sent before).
Membership committment should not weaken other subgroups( CTTFs , Impl. guidelines),
and should be able to produce a first deliverable by end of May.
No objections  (and no abstentions) - resolution adopted.

5. Activity status: 
(a) MS CTTF (Michael K., Matt McK.) summarized their current work.
Test requirements for core features currently refined, being coded into XML schema test def.
Assumed processing mode will be outlined, along with necessary input (message data, CPA).
A first version should be out for review end of this week.
(b) Implementation guidelines. (Michael W.) Still in progress. So far only TIBCO and
Fujitsu contributed - more to go! We sent out a list of possible items we would like to 
see contributions about, to MSH-developing vendors. 

6. Hosting detailed test material on private CVS repository (XMLGlobal)? 
As long as there is no explicit OASIS IP statement, that is OK. 
It is internal TC decision. So it is up to us to agree to work in this mode - 
and to trust one of our members to host and give access to the work output of all. 
As soon as the work is "publishable" (i.e. to other ebXML TCs / OASIS members), 
then we move a snapshot on OASIS site. 

7. Plans for a press release. Patrick Ganon said that there would be a joint press-release
with UCC, plus later an OASIS-only press release. More details will follow.


- NO teleconference Monday April 15th (just after the f-2-f). We'll plan for April 22nd.

Jacques Durand
ebXML IIC chair

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