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Dear All

Many thanks for volunteering to join the new TC.  I'm very glad to have you
all on board for what I'm sure will be a very interesting, and very
challenging, piece of work.  

First, some necessary domestic issues:
1.  Can those who haven't yet Subscribed to the Mailing Lists via the TC
website please do so.  In that way we get the egov lists e-mail address
properly organised.  Some of you may get this e-mail twice, apologies for
that but I'm doing belt and braces for this first communication.  In future
we will only send out to the egov list address so please make sure you've
done the necessary.  
2.  Also we need to publish the Membership List on the TC website .
Attached is the draft I've pulled together of your details.  Can you please
check your entries and let me know if there any errors/omissions.
 <<TC Membership List.doc>> 
3.  Some of you have been confused about which is my correct e-mail address.
We are in the process of changing e-mail accounts and my new e-mail address
from 16th December will be john.borras@e-envoy.gsi.gov.uk.  You can use that
address now and e-mails will get through to me despite the erratic error
messages that may come back to you.  

Second, the arrangements for the first TC meeting.  As you will have seen we
have set this for 13th December commencing at 10.00 EDT  (15.00 GMT).  The
face-to-face meeting will be held in the Baltimore Convention Center,
Baltimore, USA, running in parallel with the XML 2002 conference.  See the
following link for details of the Centre and hotels etc.
http://www.xmlconference.org/xmlusa/ .  We will be providing a
teleconference facility, further details to follow, for those who cannot
make it to Baltimore, and for colleagues here in UK you can join Adrian Kent
on the phone here in Stockley House if you wish.  To assist with the
planning of this meeting can I ask you to confirm whether you will be:
 i    joining me in Baltimore
 ii   joining in via teleconference
 iii  joining in via teleconference here in Stockley House UK.

Third, the agenda for the first meeting.  As I've said we are taking on a
very challenging piece of work, given the wide scope of business conducted
by governments.  In addition we will have the sheer logistics of trying to
run this committee with people participating from all round the globe.
Finding dates, times and locations to meet will not be easy.  And so I think
the first meeting at least will have to concentrate solely on planning the
organisation and running of the committee and its programme of work.  I
therefore propose the following agenda:

1.  Introductions
2.  Agreement of TC Charter
3.  Work programme
4.  Organisation of Committee and sub-committee(s)
5.  Election of officials
6.  Liaisons with other bodies
7.  Dates and locations of future meetings

I'm putting together a discussion paper covering items 3 and 4 and I'll
endeavour to get that out to you in near future.  But in the meantime if you
have views on this provisional agenda or any other items for inclusion
please let me know.

I'll confirm final details of the first meeting and the agenda nearer the
time, but in the meantime any thoughts on any aspect would be appreciated.


John Borras
Assistant Director Interoperability and Infrastructure
Office of the e-Envoy
Cabinet Office
United Kingdom
Tel no. +44 20 7276 3101



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Attachment: TC Membership List.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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