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emergency-cap-profiles message

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Subject: Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] IPAWS eventCode note

> Seems to me that if all info blocks in an alert must relate to a 
> single incident or update with the same category and eventCode, that 
> limits it to one eventCode per alert.

Both category and eventCode are multiple value elements.  The info block requirement doesn't limit them to a single value only, just that all info blocks must use matching values.  So this example would be valid under the current language,


However you don't want to limit it to one eventCode entirely since other code lists might be in use by an issuer for other system needs,


So whats needed is a restriction of only one eventCode of valueName "SAME" per info block.  This of course contrasting with the geocode where multiple geocodes of valueName "SAME" are allowed.


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