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Subject: FW: Call for Participation: 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop

Please find attached the flyer regarding the 2019 CAP workshop.


From: Eliot Christian <eliot.j.christian@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 2:36 AM
To: Eliot Christian <Eliot.J.Christian@gmail.com>
Subject: Call for Participation: 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop


The 2019 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop will be 17-18 October in Mexico City. Documents pertaining to Workshop events can be found at the 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop website, including an initial Flyer describing likely presentation topics.


There is no charge to participate and anyone interested in emergency alerting is welcome: managers, technical staff, media, etc., including commercial organizations, governments, and non-governmental organizations. 

Attached is the Call for Participation (also available 
here). If you have CAP implementation experiences or insights to share, please let the Program Committee know (by e-mail to me: eliot.j.christian@gmail.com ) that you want to give one of the presentations. As usual, presentations are limited to 20 minutes each.

Please share this note with discussions lists and individuals that share an interest in emergency alerting.


Eliot Christian

Attachment: cap-workshop-2019-flyer.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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