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Subject: CAP Terms list for committee note

I uploaded 2 versions of the CAP Terms list for the Committee Note.  DOCX and PDF.

                CAP Terms Working List - committee note print.docx 

            CAP Terms Working List - committee note print.pdf


The added column is “siblings” … I can change that title to anything … maybe “related events”?


What I could do:

For each term, I took the Grouper term (or each grouper if there was more than one) and found all of the event terms with the same grouper.  The output looks like:



GrouperTerm1; GrouperTerm2

GrouperTerm1: EventTerm2; EventTerm8; EventTerm99;


GrouperTerm2: EventTerm21; EventTerm94; EventTerm203


This is as close as I could get to what we discussed on the last call.  I may be able to do more, but time is limited.


Look it over to see if this will work. 



Scott M Robertson


Principal Technology Consultant


Kaiser Permanente
Technology Risk Office | Health IT Strategy & Policy




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