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legalxml-courtfiling message

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Subject: ECF 4.1 Discussions

Hello ECF TC members.


Upon revisiting/reviewing the ECF 4.1 Comment Resolution Log, we’d like to bring one item back to the TC agenda, for clarification:


#27 – NotifyFilingReviewComplete


"The operation MAY return the filed documents or links to the documents but MUST include the [FIPS 180-4] SHA 256 document hash, a condensed representation of a document intended to protect document integrity."


Does this mean the operation may do any of the following:


1. Provide the documents

2. Provide links

3. Provide neither


If #3 is an option, what is the value of just providing the hash?  We suspect #3 is not an option, in which case we put forth the following for clarification:


"The operation MUST provide any documents relevant to the filing either by including the documents or links to the documents and MUST include the [FIPS 180-4] SHA 256 document hash, a condensed representation of a document intended to protect document integrity."



Philip Baughman
Director, Product Security
Tyler Technologies, Inc. 



Tyler Technologies



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