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Subject: Re: [lexidma-comment] LEXIDMA comments

Thanks, John,

I assume that those are comments for the extended 1st public review of DMLEX Version 1.0
On behalf of LEXIDMA TC, I acknowledge receipt of your comments within the extended deadline.Â
Github issues will be created for your comments included in this email and you are invited to follow those issues under the 1st public review milestone
and record your satisfaction with your comments' dispositions

Cheers dFÂ

LEXIDMA TC Secretary

On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 2:01âPM John McCrae <john.mccrae@insight-centre.org> wrote:

Hi all,

Some comments on things I noticed going through the spec

  • I don't have an email address listed as an editor
  • Do we really want to allow lexicographic resources with zero entries? Similarly, entries with zero senses?
  • Many JSON examples are missing (Ex 10, 26)
  • The property soundFile is allowed to be a filename. How do ensure portability in this case? Shouldn't we restrict to to URIs?
  • The tags have multiple "for" properties, e.g., forHeadwords. Do we have restrictions on how these may be combined, e.g., can a inflectedFormTag apply to headwords or translations or languages. Would it not make sense to combine this into a single property with values, e.g., instead of forHeadwords=true have for="">
  • I don't understand the uniqueness constraint in 4.3.2. Can this be made clearer?
  • In 4.4.8 the list of properties in the text and the JSON seem to be contradictory
  • 4.5.2. Can we add a restriction of at least one description or etymon
  • The definition of InflectedFormTag (and several others) seems to list different properties in the serializations
  • Examples should also be presented in RDF. Perhaps we can make a quick converter to validate and generate examples in multiple serializations.


John P. McCrae
(he/him; #startsWithAName John (rhymes with "gone") McCrae (rhymes with "hay") /dÊÉn mÃkÉeÉ/)
Assistant Professor - SFI Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Data Science Institute & Computer Science, University of Galway


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