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mqtt message

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Subject: Tomorrow's Meeting and Agenda

Hi all,

1. Time of call
Tomorrow's (Thu 23rd April) Conference call will start at 11:00am EDT (4pm BST).

2. Host
I'll be hosting in Richard's absence.

3. Agenda

a. Welcome and Roll Call
b. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
c. Outcome of Special Majority Ballot to Submit MQTT 3.1.1. to ISO/IEC JTC 1 ( https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/kmip/ballot.php?id=2788 )
d. Future JIRAs recently discussed since last meeting
   251 ( https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/MQTT-251 )
   Outcome of MQTT-197 Discussion ( https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/MQTT-197 )
e. Next steps for JIRAs
f. Time and Date of Next Meeting
   Thursday, May 7th 11am EDT
g. AOB
h. Call for Late Joiners

4. Dial in Details
Dial in numbers are in the meeting invite > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/mqtt/event.php?event_id=39694 < and reproduced below:-

Conference call: AT&T dial-in Numbers

UNITED KINGDOM    Toll-Free:        0800-368-0638
UNITED KINGDOM    Caller Paid     0-20-30596451
Finland                        Caller Paid                   0-9-72519565          
Finland                        Toll-Free                   0800-9-18357  
France                         Caller Paid     0-170911580     
France                         Toll-Free         0800-94-0558
Germany                     Caller Paid     0-69-2443-2290     
Germany                     Toll-Free         0800-000-1018
USA                             Caller Paid     215-861-6239     
USA                             Toll-Free         888-426-6840
Italy                              Caller Paid     0-2-00621263     
Italy                              Toll-Free         800-975100    

Participant Code:       will be sent separately.

OASIS chatroom link is http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/mqtt

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