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Subject: New TC process requirement: refinement of charter and reappointment of chairs

Hi all,

As you might be aware the OASIS Board of Directors undertook a review of the TC process and related polices in an effort to streamline and modernize how we work at OASIS.

You can find a summary of the major changes here > https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/members/202011/msg00011.html <

What does this mean for the MQTT TC?

Since our TC Charter for MQTT v5.0 became effective in June 2016, there are two additions to the TC process that require our attention:

- "TC Vitality." TCs will now be asked to review and confirm (or modify) their charter once every four years.
- "Reappointment of chairs." TCs will now be asked to reappoint chairs every two years. Sitting chairs are allowed to stand but must be reconfirmed by committee vote.

Current charter: MQTT v5.0 scope

Our current charter is focused on delivery of MQTT v5.0 which was approved as an OASIS standard in March 2019. The charter scope included "Additional support for Resource Constrained MQTT clients" which allowed us to research and evaluate closer alignment with the MQTT-SN protocol. While some of this was delivered in the MQTT v5.0 spec, these activities ultimately paved the way to the formation of the MQTT-SN subcommittee which has been the primary focus of the TC's work since the MQTT v5.0 standard was delivered.

The "TC vitality" process allows TCs to narrow the scope of an existing charter to increase focus on specific areas. This seems an ideal choice and logical next step for us to formalize our commitment to delivering MQTT-SN as an OASIS standard whilst remaining unified under one MQTT TC umbrella. Today I uploaded a candidate "refined charter" > https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=68339&wg_abbrev=mqtt < that brings focus onto MQTT-SN in providing additional support for Resource Constrained MQTT clients and extending the reach of MQTT in IoT solutions. I have highlighted the key changes to help with readability. Please take a moment to review.

Reappointment of Chairs

In accordance with the new TC process, TC chairs must be appointed every two years. We will now enter a "nomination window" running for seven days from 17:00 GMT today (4th March 2021) to 17:00 GMT next Thursday 11th March 2021. TC members may nominate candidates (including themselves) by email to the TC primary mailing list. I would be delighted to continue serving as a TC chair and appreciate the warm support and encouragement of the TC since we began our journey at OASIS in 2013.

Next steps

Please take a moment to review the candidate charter document I have uploaded today which will enable the MQTT-SN subcommittee and parent TC to deliver the work products required for OASIS standard. I will schedule a TC meeting to facilitate voting to conclude these matters in the coming days. The earliest this would be possible is 17:00 GMT on Thursday 11th March.

Please contact me with any questions you might have.

Best regards


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