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Subject: MQTT 5 Webinar on 20 Oct at 11:00 AM EDT

Hi Everyone,

We scheduled our OASIS MQTT 5 webinar for Wednesday, 20 October. Details may be found online here.

I wanted to send along a special 'Thank You' to Ian Skerrett, Andy Stanford-Clark, Ian Cragg, Florian Raschbichler, and Rich Coppen for all their prep work and support.Â

Please help us promote the webinar to your connections and feel free to contact me if supporting materials are needed.

Link to webinar details on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C84gstv8QpK8AvaeEbzxPw
Thanks so much.

Regards, Jane



Manager of Events


+1 703-508-3373

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