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oasis-charter-discuss message

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Subject: Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS Business Document Exchange (BusDox)TC

If the intent of the name "BusDox" is to quickly convey the idea
that the TC has something to do with business documents, then I'm
sorry to inform the convenors that it fails miserably.

Very few (if any) native speakers of English will interpret
"BusDox" as having anything to do with business or documents
unless you have already told them that (which presumably is not
the intent of a short name).  Until informed otherwise, they will
assume that the work of the group has something to do with buses
and then puzzle unfruitfully over what "dox" could refer to.

There is no connection in general consciousness between "bus" and
"business."  There is no connection in general consciousness
between "dox" and "documents."  Neither term is ever used as
a short form of the longer word.

If you don't believe me, try the name out on some random group of
nontechnical people drawn from the general (English-speaking)
population.  Show them the term "BusDox" without further prompting
and ask them what they think it might mean.

The name you're looking for is "BizDocs."


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